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Alain Delon
Christine (1958)
B¹dŸ piêkna i milcz [Sois belle et tais-toi] (1958)
Droga m³odoœci [le chemin des écoliers] (1959)
S³aba p³eæ [Faibles femmes] (1959)
Co za radoœæ ¿yæ [Che gioia vivere] (1961)
Pies [Le chien] (1962)
Mi³oœæ nad morzem [L'Amour a la mer] (1963)
Zemsta OAS [L'insoumis] (1964)
£owcy przygód [Les Aventuriers] (1967)
Madly [Madly / The Love Mates] (1970)
L'Uomo di Saint-Michael / Doucement les basses (1971)
Fantasia chez les ploucs / Fantasia Among the Squares (1971)
Zabójstwo Trockiego [The Assassination of Trotsky] (1972)
Szok [Traitement de choc] (1973)
Lodowate serce [Les seins de glace] (1974)
Race des 'seigneurs' [La Race des 'seigneurs'] (1974)
Ostatnia rozgrywka [Armaguedon] (1977)
Uwaga, dzieci patrz¹ [Attention, les enfants regardent] (1978)
Lekarz [Le Toubib] (1979)
Przejœcie [Le Passage] (1986)
Cinema [Cinéma] (1988)
Nowa fala [Nouvelle vague] (1990)
Dancing Machine (1990)
Zbrodnia [Un Crime] (1993)
L'Ours en peluche / L'Orso di peluche (1994)
Le Jour et la nuit (1997)
Sto i jedna noc [Les Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinema] (1994)
Komisarz Montale [Fabio Montale] (2001)

Audrey Hepburn
Opowieœci m³odych ¿on [Young Wives' Tale] (1951)
One Wild Oat (1951)
Jedziemy do Monte Carlo [Nous irons a Monte Carlo] (1951)
Tajemniczy ludzie / Ludzie tajemnicy [Secret People] (1952)
Dwoje na drodze [Two for the Road] (1967)
Krwawa linia [Bloodline] (1979)
Œmiechu warte / Oni wszyscy siê œmiali [They All Laughed] (1981)
Love Among Thieves (1987)

Charles Bronson
Red Skies of Montana / Cielo rojo de Montana (1952)
Marrying Kind [The Marrying Kind] (1952)
Kurier dyplomatyczny [Diplomatic Courier] (1952)
Battle Zone (1952)
Bloodhounds of Broadway (1952)
Pat i Mike [Pat and Mike] (1952)
Torpedo Alley (1952)
Panna Sadie Thompson [Miss Sadie Thompson] (1953)
The Clown (1953)
Crime Wave (1954)
Riding Shotgun (1954)
Drum Beat / Delmer Daves' Drum Beat (1954)
Big House, U.S.A. (1955)
Target Zero (1955)
Showdown at Boot Hill (1958)
When Hell Broke Loose (1958)
Gang War (1958)
Machine-Gun Kelly (1958) 
A Thunder of Drums (1961)
X-15 (1961)
The Meanest Men in the West (1967)
Lola [Twinky] (1970)
Kamienny zabójca [The Stone Killer] (1973)

Jean-Paul Belmondo
Un Drôle de dimanche (1958)
B¹d¿ piêkna i milcz [Sois belle et tais-toi] (1958)
Oszuœci [Les Tricheurs] (1958)
Ein Engel auf Erden (1959)
Na dwa spusty [A double tour] (1959)
Kategoria: du¿e ryzyko [Classe tous risques] (1960)
Francuzka i mi³oœæ [La Francaise et l'amour] (1960)
Les Distractions (1960)
Powrót Charlotte [Charlotte et son Jules] (1960)
Moderato Cantabile (1960)
List nowicjuszki [La Novice / Lettere di una novizia] (1960)
Syn marnotrawny [La Viaccia] (1961)
Un nommé La Rocca (1961)
S³awne mi³oœci [Amours celebres] (1961)
I Don Giovanni della Costa Azzurra / Beach Casanova (1962)
Il Giorno piu corto (1963)
Peau de banane / Banana Peel (1963)
M³odszy Ferchau [L'Aine des Ferchaux] (1963)
Wzburzone morze [Mare matto] (1963)
Echappement libre [Échappement libre] (1964)
Weekend w Zuydcoote [Week-end a Zuydcoote] (1964)
Czy Pary¿ p³onie? [Paris brule-t-il / Is Paris Burning?] (1966)
Doktor Popaul [Docteur Popaul / Der Halunke / Dr. Popaul] (1972)
Desire [Désiré] (1996)
Amazonka [Amazone / Amazon] (2000)
Moja krew / Swobodne spadanie [L'Aine des Ferchaux] (2001)
Un Homme et son chien (2009)

Steve McQueen
Girl on the run (1953)
Never Love a Stranger (1958)
The War Lover (1962)
Dziecino deszcz musi padaæ [Baby the Rain Must Fall] (1965)

Peter Sellers
Hoffman (1970)
Wiêzieñ Zendy [The Prisoner of Zenda] (1979)
Two Way Stretch (1960)
The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu (1980)

Yul Brynner
Wœciek³oœæ i wrzask [The sound and the fury] (1959)
Testament Orfeusza [The Testament of Orpheus] (1960)
The File of the Golden Goose (1969)
Death Rage [Con la rabbia agli occhi] 1976

Gregory Peck
Klucze królestwa [The keys of the kingdom] (1944)
The Macomber Affair (1947)
D¿entelmeñska umowa [Gentleman's Agreement] 1947
Wielki grzesznik [The Great Sinner] (1949)
A oto koñ siny [Behold a Pale Horse] (1964)
Dawid i Betszeba [David and Bathsheba] (1951)
Kapitan Newman [Captain Newman, M.D.] (1963)
Milioner bez grosza [The Million Pound Note] (1953)
Na krawêdzi [I Walk the Line] (1970)
Uwiêzieni w kosmosie [Marooned] (1969)

The Castle Of Fu Manchu (1969)
Urocza gospodyni (The Notorious Landlady) (1962)
The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu (1980)
Scheherazade (1963)
Sergeant Ryker (1968)
Droga do Saliny [The Road To Salina] (1970)
Never Say Goodbye (1956)
The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
Train d'enfer (1965)
Victory At Entebbe (1976)
Wszyscy jesteœmy mordercami [Nous sommes tous des assassins] (1952)
The Last Of Sheila (1973)
Journey To Shiloh (1968)
Philadelphia Experiment II (1993)
Nêdznicy [Les Miserables] (1958)
Obcy (1967)
Prawo [La Legge] (1959)
Husbands and Lovers (1991)
Journey To Shiloh (1968)
Never Say Goodbye (1956)
Niech bestia zdycha [Que la bete meure] (1969)
The Road To Salina (1970)
Zbrodnia doskona³a [Les bonnes causes] [Dont Tempt The Devil] (1963)
Bia³y labirynt [Smilla's Sense of Snow] (1997)
Circle of Iron (1978)
Na przepustce [On the Town] (1949)
Œniegi w ¿a³obie [The Mountain] (1956)
Afekty lady Emmy Hamilton [Le calde notti di Lady Hamilton] (1968)
Wrota nocy (Les portes de la nuit) (1946)
Lady In Cement (1968)
Variety Lights (1950)
Angie (1994)
Ca³e nasze ¿ycie [Toute une Vie] (1974)
Plac Vendome (1998)
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