Neon City Overdrive - The Grid.pdf

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The Grid
© 2020 by Nathan Russell, all rights reserved.
Peril Planet game studio
Writing and design by Nathan Russell
Published by Nathan Russell © 2020
Jukka Nieminen
Interior art:
Jukka Nieminen, Tithi Luadthong , Pairoj Ponglerdnadda, Igor Dresvyannikov,
Thaprawin Thanasukhaphaisarn
Six-sided dice
font by Vulpinoid Studios,
font by David Libeau,
by Roland Huse.
Neon City Overdrive, The Grid, all original characters, creatures and locations, logos, the
Action Story logo and the Peril Planet logo are © 2020 of Nathan Russell.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage
or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Nathan Russell. Requests for
more information can be sent to
Permission is granted for the purchaser of this book to print one copy for personal use.
This game is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this work are fiction.
Any resemblance to real people or organizations is purely coincidental.
Peril Planet
JACKING IN ............................... 4
What is the grid?................................... 4
Life online - everything is
connected............................................... 5
Slang ......................................................... 7
The dangerous grid ......................... 8
Grid infrastructure .............................10
Grid running tech...............................12
THREATS.................................. 46
Meatspace threats .............................47
Grid infrastructure .............................48
Grid runners .........................................49
Programs ...............................................50
Intrusion Countermeasure
Electronics (ICE) ..................................51
Grid dangers ........................................51
Artificial Intelligences .......................52
The grid’s most famous ....................54
EXPLORING THE GRID............ 14
Getting around the grid ..................16
Common grid locations ...................18
Unique grid locations .......................20
Hazards ..................................................25
YOUR GRID .............................. 56
Example: The World ...........................58
Example: Data runners .....................59
PLAYING THE GRID................. 28
Milk runs ................................................28
Special rules .........................................29
Grid running ........................................30
Grid combat .........................................33
Harm .......................................................34
Piggybacking .......................................36
Playing an AI ........................................42
Grid gear................................................44
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this table of contents.
The grid - the endless runway of neon-lit data that hackers, codeslingers and
digital demons call home. It has invaded every part of modern life in the city and
made itself an unavoidable spectre that watches, listens and controls the lives of
the careless and unwary. In this supplement for
the grid is
explored and explained, providing you the tools to take your games off the street
and into the digitized wonderland of the sprawling data network.
The specifics of the grid, interfacing and all the associated technologies are
provided for those who want to just dive into the setting without too much fuss.
There is also plenty of inspiration, ideas and hooks for you to use in your own
vision of the digital world, so adjust, edit, throw out and hack as you desire in
order to create the setting you want to play in. The appendix provides further
suggestions on customizing the grid to fit the needs of your own stories.
The grid is the wireless digital interface that connects everyone and everything.
It is the foundation of modern communication and has become a fundamental
component of contemporary society. It consists of three distinct parts - the
overlay, the signal and the grid itself - and anyone with an interface chip,
computer, phone or interface wearable can connect with it.
Everything is connected by the grid. Not only is it the bedrock of modern
communication, but it forms the foundation of almost all business and modern
work practices.
People use the grid everyday, from checking news and traffic reports to calling
family. Smart shoes and watches monitor exercise and health, while digital
tattoos and hair extensions can be changed with a swipe of the hand. Voice
commands allow you to control your house, from the lighting and heating, to
updating a shopping list and making an order to the local delivery service. Street
signs, advertisements and holographic street vendors are enhanced with the
overlay to attract and engage users. Cars connect with traffic data, project heads-
up displays for drivers, and monitor the movement of people both inside and
outside the vehicle. The grid has become so ubiquitous that most users don’t
even realize they are using it anymore - it has become second nature.
The grid is the heart of modern communication. While phone services, satellite
uplinks and even traditional mail all still exist, almost everyone connects with the
world at large via a digital interface. At its most basic, email, video calls and social
media utilize the grid infrastructure. Events such as business meetings, trade
conferences, family reunions and political rallies can all be held in the grid, with
users logging on and interfacing via their unique avatars. The grid’s existence has
made connecting with others easier than ever before and some people can go
about every aspect of their work and personal life without ever needing to leave
the virtual world.
The grid has created new entertainment opportunities for the masses, making
it more engaging and visceral than ever before. Smart TV’s will automatically
tune to channels or programs that interest the current viewer or pause when
you exit the room; interactive vid-shows allow viewers to influence the actions
of protagonists in real time; and overlay-enhanced films will let you feel like you
are standing alongside your favorite action heroes or TV personalities. For those
willing to pay a little and walk on the dark side of the grid, you can buy a skim
recording and live someone else’s life for a while.
The most exciting entertainment, however, happens in the grid itself. Immersive
entertainments merge the best parts of story telling and video games, literally
putting you in the action. Documentaries or news reports allow you to see, hear,
smell and touch the subject matter, to investigate environments and events as
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