08. John Melville Jones - Eustathios of Thessaloniki. The Capture of Thessaloniki (Byzantina Australiensia, Book 8) [Retail].pdf

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Eustathios of Thessaloniki
Byzantina Australiensia
Editorial Board
Ken Parry (Macquarie
Amelia Brown (University
of Queensland)
Meaghan McEvoy (Macquarie
Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides (Monash
Danijel Dzino (Macquarie
Wendy Mayer (Australian
Lutheran College | University of Divinity)
Roger Scott (University
of Melbourne)
Volume 8
The titles published in this series are listed at
Eustathios of Thessaloniki
The Capture of Thessaloniki
A Translation with Introduction and Commentary by
John Melville Jones
This paperback was originally published as Volume 8 in the series
Byzantina Australiensia,
Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Department of Modern Greek, University of Sydney
nsw 2006, Canberra.
Cover illustration: Fol 98v of Cod. Laur. Plut. IX.28, containing the Christian Topography of
Cosmas Indicopleustes, is reproduced on the cover with the kind permission of the Biblioteca
Laurenziana, Florence.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017939787
issn 0725-3079
isbn 978-99-59-36349-7 (paperback, 2017)
isbn 978-90-04-34464-8 (e-book, 2017)
isbn 0 9593636 4 9 (paperback, 1987)
Copyright 2017 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff,
Brill Rodopi and Hotei Publishing.
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