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Vocabulary and Grammar


Description: ELT_DESIGN:GARY_ROSE:WIP:Focus:Word PDF template header:templateHEader.png

Name:  ________________________

Class:  ________________________



1 Complete the sentences with adjectives to describe appearance and personality. Use the letters provided.

1 My dad hasn’t got any hair – he’s completely b _ _ d!

2 Tina thinks she’s too f _ t, so she wants to lose weight.

3 Look at that lovely little cat – it’s so c _ _ e!

4 Everyone loves Sue – she’s very p _ p _ l _ r.

5 Lily isn’t shy at all. She’s very o _ _ g _ _ _ g.

6 Tom should act his age! He’s too c _ _ _ d _ _ h.

7 Mary isn’t scared to try new things. She’s really
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.



2 Write the correct words from the box next to the definitions. There are three words you don’t need.

bangle    boots      high-heeled   leather  scarf   shorts  striped   suit  tie   vintage  

1 You wear this around your neck to keep you warm in cold weather. __________

2 These are like trousers, but they only go down as far as your knees. __________

3 These are like shoes, but they come up over the bottom part of your legs. __________

4  These kinds of clothes are quite old, but fashionable. __________

5 This word describes clothes that have a pattern of lines on them. __________

6 This word describes clothes that are made from animal skin. __________

7 You wear this around your wrist as jewellery. _________



3 Complete the sentences with one word in each space.

1 Who do you usually socialise _________ at the weekends?

2 I think friends should look _________ each other when they have problems.

3 Jack is an _________ friend. I only know him on the Internet, not in real life.

4 Who do you _________ on well with in your class?

5 I _________ an argument with Lizzie last night and now she isn’t speaking to me.

6 I have a lot in _________ with Emma because we both love horses.





4 Choose the correct verb forms.

1 That bike belongs / is belonging to Sam.

2 Mia hates / is hating loud music.

3 That jacket looks / is looking really nice on you.

4 Stella works / is working at a folk festival at the moment.

5 This is a great festival! I enjoy / ‘m enjoying it a lot!



5 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I’m sorry, I __________ (not know) the answer to your question.

2 Jo __________ (listen) to music at the moment.

3 We __________ (live) with our grandma for a few weeks.

4 I __________ (think) the concert starts at eight.

5 __________ (you / want) to come with us?



6 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous of the verbs in the box.

invite    not finish    not wait    try    watch

1 I______________ to call Adam all day, but he isn’t answering his phone.

2 We ______________ for very long. Why are you getting so impatient?

3 I ______________ my essay yet.

4 How many people ________ you ________ to the party?

5 This is a long film. You ______________ it for nearly three hours!



7 Complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first. Include the word given.

1 I started studying English five years ago.


I _______________________ English for five years.

2 I met Sara last year, then I met her again last week.


I _______________________ Sara twice.

3 My sister met her boyfriend in 2014.


My sister ________________________ since 2014.

4 My uncle got a job in London four years ago.


My uncle _________________________ four years.

5 I first wore this bracelet last year.


I _____________________________ since last year.




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