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Description: ELT_DESIGN:GARY_ROSE:WIP:Focus:Word PDF template header:templateHEader.png

Name:  ________________________

Class:  ________________________


While on holiday in the UK you saw this advert for a new cooking show on TV.

Top Cook

We are looking for participants for our new cooking show.

Do you love cooking, and do your friends enjoy eating your food?

Would you like the chance to learn from top professional chefs?

Email us explaining why you would like to take part in the show, and why you feel you are suitable.

Write an email to the producers of the show.

• Write where you saw the advert and express a desire to participate in the show.

• Explain why you would like to take part, and why you feel you are suitable.

• Describe a dish that you can prepare.

• Ask for more details about the show, e.g. when and where it will take place.

• Conclude the email in a formal way.

Write your email in three paragraphs. Write between 140 and 190 words.


































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