Border Wars - Event Cards.pdf

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Event Card
Event Cards
A group of animals have
been startled by the fight and
stampede in a random direction.
Select 1 base of animals nearest
to your leader. Roll 1d10 and
the livestock will move 6” in the
direction the dice is pointing.
If the livestock cross the base
of any character they will roll 1
Defence roll to see if they take a
wound from being hit.
Border Wars
Event Card
Event Cards
It’s just a wee moose
Reiver horses might be
well trained, but they can
still be scared of a wee
moose. All horses within
4” of your leader will carry
out an immediate move in
a random direction using
1d10 for direction.
Border Wars
Event Card
Event Cards
Truce Day
The Families decide to put
their quarrels aside and
talk things out. The turn
ends immediately, and the
fighting will start again in
the new turn.
Border Wars
Event Card
Event Cards
It’s a dreich day
Right on cue the Borders
weather has taken a turn
and the rain has started.
For the next 2 turns, players
must use the Rain rules.
Border Wars
Event Card
Event Cards
Blowin a hooley
A strong wind descends
over the battle causing
havoc with the reivers
beards. For the next 2
turns, players must use the
Wind rules.
Border Wars
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