ICE7222 - ASP Technocracy (oef).pdf

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Original System Design:
Kevin Barrett
Asp Technocracy Author:
Scott Sigler
Cover Illustration:
Alan Gutierrez
Interior Illustrations:
Daniel Cruger,
Matthew Plog,
Miniatures Sculptor:
Robert Murch
Series Editor:
Donald G. Dennis
Managing Art Direction:
Jessica Ney-Grimm
Art Direction:
Jason O. Hawkins
Assisting Art Direction:
Donald G. Dennis
Steven Arensberg,
Sherry Robinson
Cover Design:
Don Dennis
Cover Graphics:
Nick Morawitz
Kevin Elliot,
Allyson Mohney
Ship Display Illustrations:
Dan Cruger
Copyright © 1998 by
Iron Crown Enterprises.
All rights reserved.
No reproductions without
the express written
consent of
Iron Crown
Produced and
distributed by
Iron Crown
P.O. Box 1605,
Charlottesville, VA 22902.
Phone: (804) 295-4280.
Fax: (804) 977-4811.
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ICE Staff:
Bruce Neidlinger;
Pete Fenlon;
Managing Editor:
Coleman Charlton;
Sales Manager:
Deane Begiebing;
Sales, Customer Service and Operations:
Becky Blanton, Arthur Brill, Steve Hardy,
Olivia Johnston, Chad McCully,
Dave Morris, Dave Platnick,
Karina Arensberg, Monica Wilson;
Print Buying and Rights Director:
Kurt Fischer;
Editing, Production, and Development:
John Curtis, Donald G. Dennis,
Wendy Frazer, Jason Hawkins,
Allyson Mohney, Bob Mohney,
Nick Morawitz, Jessica Ney-Grimm,
Craig O’Brien, Michael Reynolds,
Sherry Robinson;
Shipping and Receiving:
Tony Petrazio,
Daniel Williams.
Table of Contents
ASP Culture
. ............................................... 3
Living Experiments .................................... 3
Breeding Factories ...................................... 4
Sprawl and Population ............................... 4
Views on Other Terrans .............................. 4
Crime & Drugs ............................................ 5
. ......................................................... 5
Key to the Stars
. ........................................ 6
Growth and Prosperity
. ............................... 6
Planning Ahead
. ......................................... 6
A New House
. ............................................. 7
Ascension of the Academicians
. ................... 8
Explosion of Growth
. .................................. 8
Takachi’s Reign
. ......................................... 9
Profit Margin
. ............................................ 9
Advancing Technology
. ............................... 9
Computer Evolution
. ................................ 10
If At First You Don’t Succeed
. ................... 10
. ................................................ 10
Walking Erect
. ......................................... 10
. ............................................... 10
The Discovery of Fire
. ............................... 11
. ................................................ 12
Forsaking of Data
. .................................... 13
Sabotage Thwarted
. .................................. 13
New Allies
. ............................................... 13
Sucked Dry
. ............................................. 14
The Spawn
. .............................................. 14
Brood Study
. ............................................ 15
Hydra Heads
. ........................................... 15
The Cavalry
. ............................................. 15
Fight for Survival
. .................................... 15
The Beginning of the End
. ........................ 16
The Miracle
. ............................................. 16
Research Pays Off
. .................................... 16
Holding On
. ............................................. 17
Sul-Havascar Reserve
. .............................. 17
Mu-Lindi Corporation
. ............................. 18
Recovery, Restructure
............................... 18
Demand for Resources
. ............................. 18
Fight for Survival
. .................................... 19
. ................................................. 19
Q’raj Retribution
. ..................................... 19
Tokugawan Counterstrike
. ........................ 19
Enter the Draconians
. .............................. 19
Return to Greatness
. ................................ 20
Spawn Evolution
. ..................................... 20
Map of ASP Space
. ................................... 21
Government Structure
. ........................... 22
The Corporation ....................................... 22
Academic Departments ............................. 23
Political Relations
. ................................... 25
House Colos .............................................. 25
Red Star ..................................................... 26
House Tokugawa ....................................... 26
Yoka-Shan Warworld ................................ 27
Kashmere Commonwealth ....................... 27
Hibernian Freehold .................................. 28
Data Sphere ............................................... 29
Gerry Rollins, Larry
Amrose, Bob Star,
Will Nieblng;
Castle Archon:
Jim Eisert, Andrew
Thompson, Adam
Ottawa Redshirts:
Richard Dufault,
Glen Simpson, Scott
MacGregor, George
MacLure, Brad Hector,
Michael Smith.
Starbase 1: Paul
Waite, Ian Deeks, Ollie
Deacon, Trevor Jones,
Phil Trott.
ICE Staff: John
Curtis, Don Dennis,
Bob Mohney;
The Good, the Bad,
and the Unlucky: Paul
Carrol, Chris Kuhn,
Don Jenkins, Alan
House Mythos:
Marvin Knighton, Ian
Gross, Robert Parrish,
Chris Weber, Oscar
Chapa Jr.;
Sigurd Archdiocese ................................... 30
Unkulunkulu Archipelago ........................ 31
Q’raj Void Protectorate ............................. 31
Luches Utopia ........................................... 31
The Confederation .................................... 32
Draconians ................................................ 32
Universal Night Watch .............................. 33
Sunrunners ............................................... 34
ASP New Technology
. ............................. 35
Quantum Thrust Engines ........................ 35
Artificiance™ BioLink Pilot Interface ..... 35
Artificiance™ Targeting System .............. 36
New Weapons
. ........................................... 37
Entropic Accelerator ................................. 37
C-Torps. ..................................................... 38
Mk. 20 Parasite Torpedo ........................... 39
Graviton Cannon ...................................... 41
ASP Starcraft Inventory &
. .................................... 42
ASP 01-01 MSPAC “Quark” ...................... 42
ASP 00-10 LMPAC “Pulsar” ...................... 42
ASP 10-10 HMPAC “Binary” ..................... 43
ASP 101-10 L-MPAC “Nova” ..................... 44
ASP 111-10 H-MPA “Nebula II” ................ 44
DRC/ASP 01 “Pteradon” ........................... 45
ASP Refits
. ................................................ 46
Spirit Rider ASP (or Spirit Rider IV) ........ 46
Shryak Shuttle III ..................................... 47
Famous wings of the
ASP Technocracy
. .............................. 48
Brainchild ................................................. 48
DeBuggers ................................................. 49
Killing Machine ........................................ 50
Chromeheads ............................................ 51
Cyborg Cavalry .......................................... 52
Freedom’s Foragers .................................. 53
ASP Scenarios
. ......................................... 54
Basic Scenario I: Frontier Skirmish ....... 54
Basic Scenario II: Take the Tech and Run .... 55
Basic Scenario III:
Data Sphere Non-Lethal Training .......... 56
Advanced Scenario I: Buccaneer Battle ... 57
Battle One: Picking a Fight
. ......................
Battle Two: Let the Big Dogs Run
. ............. 59
Advanced Scenario II: Sunrunner Menace ... 60
. .................................................... 61
Worlds of the ASP Technocracy
. ........... 64
Deep Planets ............................................. 66
Other Deep Worlds ................................... 67
Dead Planets ............................................. 67
Technology for inter-
facing neurons and
computers. State of
the art for cybernetic
implants. Chief export
of Technocracy.
Bean Counter: ASP sci-
entist slang for cor-
porate members of
the government.
Breeders: Derogatory
term for Terran
women who carry
their children to
term (also Maggot
Wagons and Larvae
Bombs). The Tech-
nocracy hasn’t seen
a live birth in over
50 years.
ASP Culture
For 2,000 years, members of the ASP
have embraced the advancement of science.
From the time of the Allied Science
Proliferators to the ASP Technocracy, this
culture has held the pervasive view that
advancing science is the goal of life. It is
more important than family, more impor-
tant than country, and even more impor-
tant than individual survival. Life is tran-
sitory, while scientific achievements live
The ASP once viewed humanity as one
mega-organism, and hence individual parts
of that organism held little importance. In
the days of the Next Millennium, ASPers
no longer see all of humanity as one entity.
Each House is considered an individual
organism pre-disposed to conflict for ter-
ritory and resources. Evolution will natu-
rally select the strongest organism, and the
rest will die off. The Technocracy intends
to be the survivor.
ASP citizens view human experimenta-
tion as a necessary part of science. To vol-
unteer for a dangerous experiment is con-
sidered the ultimate contribution to science,
and is an act of honor. Like ritualistic sui-
cide in ancient Japan, many disgraced ASP
citizens choose to submit themselves to ex-
perimentation in order to regain some mea-
sure of respect in the Technocracy. Most die,
but all are revered as national heroes.
BioLink: Technology
that allows ASP pi-
lots to “plug in” to
the ship’s controls.
Creates a virtual
link between pilot
and ship; allows for
reaction times.
Bovine Caravan: Slang
Kashmere freighter
Void Jock: Slang for
Q’raj Void Protec-
torate fighter pilot.
Earthworms: Deroga-
tory slang term for
citizens of House
Red Star.
Easy Money: ASP pilot
slang for Parasite
Flatline: A popular
semi-sedative drug.
Getting Wired: ASP pi-
lot term for plug-
ging into BioLink.
With that view of life, it’s no surprise that
ASPers modify themselves whenever the
mood suits them. Every citizen of the main
ASP planets is modified in some way, ei-
ther by pre-birth genetics, cybernetic im-
plants, or chemically-induced alterations.
The human body is considered a blank can-
vas, and only by modification can beauty
be achieved. This modification process,
known as “upgrading,” is at the core of
Technocracy culture.
Sprawl and
ASP cities are packed tight with people.
Cities and planetary infrastructures are
designed with maximum efficiency in
mind. ASPers get the most possible pro-
duction out of every square inch of land.
Highly advanced technology allows the
Technocracy to fit many people into rela-
tively small spaces, a fact that sends aes-
thetics out the window. Functionality, not
appearance, is the goal. Cities tower into
the sky and extend far below ground. The
ASP’s cities are impossibly dense with
buildings, people, and industrial pollution.
Visitors from other worlds are often amazed
and disgusted at the hive-like appearance
of ASP cities. Red Star citizens, in particu-
lar, loathe visiting ASP worlds, as they see
the tightly-packed cities and lack of open
spaces as an affront to nature.
Breeding Factories
Long ago the Technocracy decided that
civilization had rendered natural selection
among humans obsolete. Thanks to medi-
cine and benevolent, supportive cultures,
any non-sterile individual could breed, no
matter how bad their physical or mental
handicaps. This “survival of everyone”
counteracted the natural process, stopping
evolution dead in its tracks.
In an effort to put evolution back on
track, the ASP constructed “breeding fac-
tories.” These facilities produce test-tube
babies, replacing human breeding. To fa-
cilitate evolution, computer programs ran-
domly arrange bits of DNA to produce ad-
vanced gametes, and every zygote is the
result of preplanning for optimal traits.
This process is so entrenched in ASP life
that live birth is a rarity. Most ASP females
are capable of birth, but never conceive.
Babies are evaluated, tested, and judged
from the time of birth. Advanced children
go to rearing factories on key worlds, while
children that do not meet the minimal
standards are shipped off to rearing facto-
ries on outlying colonies. Rearing factories
are geared to attain maximum achievement
in every child, with preferential treatment
given to advanced children.
Since the Brood scourge ravaged Technoc-
racy worlds to the tune of some 10 billion
deaths, this genetic engineering has taken a
new direction. A great deal of research focuses
on breeding super soldiers, a race of warriors
that will defend the ASP. The first experimen-
tal subjects in this field are reaching their
early teens, and the next decade will see the
ASP field large numbers of genetically-engi-
neered ground forces. This first batch is cru-
cial to ASP research, as their performance
evaluation will help refine future efforts.
Views on
Other Terrans
ASPers feel that the meshing of biology
and technology is an inevitable step in evo-
lution. Technology allows species to im-
prove at drastically faster rates than stan-
dard breeding. Why wait millions of years
for significant changes when technology
can advance the race immediately?
Terrans who refuse to upgrade obviously
refuse to improve themselves, to evolve,
and what could be more primitive or back-
ward than that? At best, ASPers view other
Terrans as dangerous barbarians. Some
Technocracy citizens feel that other hu-
mans are closer to monkeys than they are
to beautifully upgraded ASPers.
ASPers view Draconians as highly
evolved individuals because of their pro-
gressive views towards science and tech-
nology. Many Draconians embrace up-
grades, utilizing ASP biotechnical pro-
cesses. By the same token, ASPers view
Primates as very dangerous primitives who
embrace primitive views of nature. Few
Primates visit the ASP’s choked cities.
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