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Become A Blogger Premium
How To Add Photos and Pictures To Your Blog
Welcome to another video for the becomeablogger.com premium website. My name is
Gideon Shalwick, and next, I'll show you a very easy method for adding photos or pictures
to your blog posts and pages.
Inside this video, I'll show you:
1. How to add images to any of your posts or pages
2. How to resize and move your images inside the wordpress admin area
3. How to change the default settings for your images
By the end of this video, you'll know everything you need to know about adding new
photos and pictures to your blog. Please note though, that I'll assume you already have an
image ready to upload to your blog for this excise. If not, you may have to watch the
previous video on how to prepare your images for your blog using a program called
Ok, let's get straight into it...
1. I'll now show you how to add images to the posts and pages on your
Open up your internet browser, and log into your blog's admin area...
Then, click on the write a new post button...
Then, just as you would normally do, add your post title and text in the appropriate areas.
I've previously prepared some text that I'll simply paste into these areas now to save
Next, select the area where you would like your image to go inside your text, by clicking
there with your mouse...
Then, click on the add and image button over here...
which will then open up a window that will allow you to upload images from your computer.
Next, click on the Choose files to upload button...
and then find the image that you would like to upload to your blog...
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Become A Blogger Premium
Once you've selected the image, it will automatically start loading up to your server and
will get displayed in the same window...
Next, enter the title, caption and description for your image...
It's a good idea to use your important keywords here as google often looks at the
information tagged to the images on your blog.
Next, select the alignment that you would like to have for your image...
You can choose between none...
and right...
I'm going to choose left for this example...
Then, click on the insert into post button...
Now, at this stage, you can decide to just keep the image as it is, but if you want to make
your post look a bit more tidy and professional, you can make some small changes. For
example adding some white space around your image so that the text wont be so close to
To do this, select your image by clicking on it...
and then click on the insert or edit image button over here...
Here, you can also change some of the details of the image, but all we are interested in
here, is to include some space around the image. To do this, simply add some values in
the vertical space and horizontal space areas over here...
I find that the number 15 works just perfect, but of course you can experiment with
different numbers...
Double check that your alignment is still set on the one you selected before...
and then click on the update button. You can now see some white space added around my
image over here...
The white space just rounds it off nicely and makes your post look more professional.
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Become A Blogger Premium
2. How to resize and move your images inside the wordpress admin
You can also change the size of your image very easily in the latest version of wordpress.
To do this, simply select your image by clicking on it...
then hover your mouse over one of the corners until your mouse pointer changes like
and then click and drag the corner of the image to set the size...
Note that you can also move your image around to another part of the text, by clicking and
dragging the image to the new location...
Once you're happy with your image, text, and all your other settings for your post, you may
click on save...
and then on preview this page...
If you're happy with the result, go back to your admin area, and click on the publish button
to make your post go live...
Make sure you view your site after you've clicked publish, just to double check that
everything worked out all right.
3. How to change the default settings for your images
Finally, I'll show you how to change the default settings of your images...
Go to the settings tab inside your blog admin area...
and then click on the Miscellaneous link...
Now, for most people, the default settings on this page will be just fine the way they are,
but some people might want to change some of the settings. If you're one of them, go to
the image sizes section...
where you can then make changes to the default thumbnail size of your images...
and also the default medium size of your images.
If you don't care too much about these settings, I'd recommend you just leave them the
way they are.
If you have made changes, remember to click on the save changes button over here...
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Become A Blogger Premium
And that brings us to the end of this video. With the information contained inside this, and
the previous video on preparing your images, you should now be able to add some
beautiful looking photos and pictures to your blog.
Of course, there were a lot of extra functions that I did not go into inside of this video. For
example, adding a border to your images, or making them clickable. But I'd encourage you
to experiment a little with the image function yourself. The best way to learn is by doing it
Thank you for watching this video. I'm your host Gideon Shalwick, and I'll see you in the
next video...
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