Wars of Napoleon Strategy Game (1997).txt

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      *                                                   *
      *           Wars of Napoleon Strategy Game          *
      *           (c) 1997 W R Hutsell                    *
      *                                                   *

         ____|__     |               (R)
      --|       |    |-------------------
        |   ____|__  |  Association of
        |  |       |_|  Shareware
        |__|   o   |    Professionals
      -----|   |   |---------------------
           |___|___|    MEMBER

                    C O N T E N T S
 1      I N T R O D U C T I O N                        1 
 1.1   Introduction                                    1 
 1.2   Requirements                                    1 
 1.3   Running the Game                                1 
 1.4  Tactical Level Game                              2 
 1.5   Running from Windows                            2 
 1.6   How to Win                                      2 
 1.7   Map Display                                     3 
 1.8   Nationality                                     4 
 1.9   Hot Keys                                        5 
 1.10  Using the Menus                                 5 
 1.11  Game Setup                                      6 
 1.12  Sequence of Play                                6 
 2      D E C I S I O N    P H A S E                   6 
 2.1   Land Movement                                   6 
 2.2   Army Attributes                                 7 
 2.3   Napoleon                                        8 
 3      M A I N    M E N U                             8 
 3.1   Main Menu                                       8 
 3.2   Recruit                                         9 
 3.3   Commanders                                      9 
 3.4   Ships                                           10 
 3.5   Fast Naval Combat                               10 
 3.6   Invasions - Marines                             10 
 3.7   Raid Commerce                                   11 
 3.8   Move Orders                                     11 
 3.9   Movement Across the Sea                         11 
 3.10  Next Turn                                       12 
 3.11  Inform (Reports)                                12 
 3.12  Commands                                        13 
 3.13  Utility                                         13 
 3.14  Files                                           13 
 3.15  Autosave                                        13 
 4      O P T I O N S                                  14 
 4.1   Options Submenu                                 14 
 4.2   Cancel                                          14 
 4.3   Fortify                                         14 
 4.4   Join (Combine)                                  14 
 4.5   Supply                                          15 
 4.6   Detach                                          15 
 4.7   Drill                                           16 
 4.8   Relieve                                         16
 5      U T I L I T Y                                  16 
 5.1   Utility Submenu                                 16 
 5.2   Side                                            17 
 5.3   1-Player/2-Player                               17 
 5.4   Noise                                           17 
 5.5   Tactical    (Registered Edition ONLY)           17 
 5.6   Display                                         17 
 5.7   Balance                                         17 
 5.8   End Game Conditions                             17 
 5.9   Victory Condition Override                      18 
 5.10  Random Events                                   18 
 5.11  Vary Start                                      18 
 5.12  Enemy Aggression                                19 
 5.13  Save Configuration                              19 
 6      M O V E    &    C O M B A T    P H A S E       19 
 6.1   Computer Decisions                              19 
 6.2   Army Movement                                   19 
 6.3  The Occupying Army                               20 
 6.4   Unit Cohesion                                   20 
 6.5   Combat                                          20 
 6.6   Income Update                                   22 
 7      D A T A    F I L E S                           23 
 7.1   Scenario Initialization File (NWSxxxx.INI       23 
 7.2   Commander File (LEADxxxx.DAT)                   25 
 7.3   Configuration File (NWS.CFG)                    26 
 7.4   City Matrix (EUROxxxx.MAP)                      26 
 8      D E S I G N E R    N O T E S                   27 
 8.1   Combat Model Adjustment                         27 
 8.2   Why Register ?                                  28 

 1   I N T R O D U C T I O N
 1.1   Introduction
"Wars of Napoleon Strategy Game" is a 1 or 2-player VGA graphic
strategic level wargame of the Napoleonic era. The registered
version of the game includes a tactical level module which
permits individual battles to be fought. The game requires VGA.
It is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. It has
been tested on several types of IBM compatibles (from 386 to
Pentium) but it is impossible to try all the combinations of
equipment that exist.

The object of the game is to accumulate as many victory
points as possible. The game is played in turns of 2 months
during which both sides perform their actions. Decisions are
made using menus which are described below.

 1.2   Requirements
The program requires the following files:
WON.EXE         - the main stregic level game program
NAPOLEON.EXE    - tactical level game module
NWS.CFG         - your customizable configuration file
NWSxxxx.INI     - initialization data file for year xxxx
LEADxxxx.DAT    - army leader data file for year xxxx
EUROxxxx.MAP    - city data file for year xxxx
WON.DOC         - this documentation file
HISCORE.NWS     - high score file
GAMESATA.INI    - initialization data file

In addition, the program requires several *.VGA and *.EGA
files for graphical effects.

There are other optional files that may be produced as you
customize and play the game.

 1.3   Running the Game
Type 'NWS' at the command line prompt. The title screen
display will appear while the game initializes.

The option to load a game or begin a new game is given at
the beginning of the game, in addition to being available

				- 2  -
during the game.

 1.4  Tactical Level Game
In addition to the main strategy level game of NWS.EXE,
there is a tactical level game, NAPOLEON.EXE, which in the
registered version may be linked to the strategic game
by setting the TACTICAL option in the Utility Menu of NWS.

In the shareware version, you may still play the battle of
Waterloo by typing 'NAPOLEON' at the command line prompt.

 1.5   Running from Windows
This is a DOS-based game, but it can be run under Windows* or
Windows 95 using the RUN command (using the Start with
Windows 95 or the File Manager in Windows). You will need to
type both the path and file name to run the program.
Typically this will be:


Both Windows and Windows 95 carry overhead that may slow the
game. If this is a problem, you should exit Windows or
Windows 95, then change to the NWS directory and run the
program under DOS.

(*Windows and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft).

 1.6   How to Win
You are awarded victory points for (1) capturing cities, (2)
capturing armies, (3) winning battles, and (4) special
events. Each city you control gives you a certain number of
victory points (and a like amount of income). This varies
depending on the city. For instance, a large city such as
Paris is worth more than a smaller city such as Metz. To see
the number of victory points each city is worth, use the
"Inform" option to access the "Cities" report.

Objective cities are worth an additional bonus of 100 victory
points in addition to the normal victory points. If you lose
your objective, you permanently lose the bonus income.
Additionally, the game will end unless the "Objective" end game
condition is de-selected.

				- 3  -
If your army defeats an enemy that has no route for retreat
or causes enough casualties to crush the enemy, you capture
the army and receive a bonus of 25 victory points.
Eliminating the enemy fleet also results in bonus victory

For each battle you win, you receive 1 victory point.
Certain special events result in extra victory points for
one side or the other.

The game continues until one side achieves an end game
condition. (See End Game Conditions under the "Utility"
submenu). The side that triggers the end of the game
receives an additional bonus of 100 victory points.

If your score is one of the top 5 scores for the side
played, your name and score are entered into the high score

When the game is over, you are returned to the opening
screen, with the option to quit, load a game or begin a new

 1.7   Map Display
The title screen will clear and a map of western Europe
will appear along with a menu entitled 'Main'. This is the
Main Menu from which you choose most of your options. Above
the menu is a box showing which si...
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