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       BROKEN ALLIANCE v. 1.01 User Manual Additions and Corrections

       The Western Allies vs. Russia 1944-46   AND    The Korean War

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 BROKEN ALLIANCE uses the same rule book and document lookup check as:

                   -  Panthers in the Shadows  -
                  - Tigers On the Prowl VERSION 2 -

 If you do not own one of these games, you will not be able to run Broken
Alliance.  If you own Tigers version 1.xx, you will need to upgrade to
version 2.  Please contact HPS Simulations for more information.


 Broken Alliance ver. 1.01 includes changes and additons made up through
Panthers ver. 1.20 and Tigers ver. 2.04.  Rather than include the lengthy
README file again here, please reference the one included with either of
those games.
SUMMARY of 1.01 changes:
-Being shelled by indirect fire now gives a unit special move options (and the
crowd went wild.....)<G>
-Fixed intermittant Win95 incompatibility problem (could not get past password)
-Passengers no longer dismount when the carrier gets special orders.
-When giving orders to a stack, exiting a unit brings you back to the "units in
hex" box instead of back to the map (requested by users)
-LOS function now available from unit orders box (requested by users)
-Close combat fixed.
-Overruns fixed.
-Infantry now able to use "backup" orders.
-Paratroops can't pop smoke in the air, and only naval units can pop smoke in
the water.
-Only friendly units can now occupy friendly casemates/pillboxes.
-Loaded units do not get IP benefits. (the carrier still does).
-Spotter aircraft no longer sink in deep water. <G>.
-Range fixed for "spine" longer is it 57m or so.
-DF smoke rounds only fired in DF fire phase...NOT in ambush phase even if
qualified.  Units will cease fire if they run out of SMOKE now, and not switch
to AP or whatever.
-Adjusted area fire for flame weapons.
-Airstrike problem fixed.  Also, crash caused by airstrikes in replay fixed.
-HE now more effective against semi-armored tgts.  IE trucks.
-First time firing units now use slow ROF per rules.
-Armored targets now never receive more than 30% suppression per rules.
-Suppression no longer freezes vehicles.
-Mechanical breakdowns now adjusted to training level.
Training 90-100   1/3 normal breakdown chance
         70-89    1/2 normal breakdown chance
         31-69    normal breakdown
         11-30    breakdown double normal
          0-10    breakdown triple normal
-Use of weapon #3 has been restricted for those units button-up by suppression.
-Placing detachments fixed from 1/2 of unit to 8-11 men.
-ROF now adds to firing accuracy (+20% for slow, -20% for rapid) except initial
-Lowered rate of fire for extreme long range gunnery.
-Fixed additional turn firing accuracy increases.  They now increase per rules.
-AI tweaked to pick more dangerous targets.
-Fixed computer lockup when computer placing units in scenario setup.
-Numerous database changes.  Notably, corrected penetration of heavy
machineguns such as the .50 caliber and the Soviet 12.7mm.  Corrected
machinegun ranges to combat ranges and not the absolute maximum of the weapons.
Added separate vehicles for T-34D, E, F (these three had extremely minor armor
differences from the T-34C but....).  Added TT-34 recovery vehicle.  Added Pz
IIIJ (+) which had locally added 20mm spaced armor to turret and front.
Corrected penetration of Soviet 27mm gun.  Corrected air drag value for 57mm
L73.  Added Lysander Recon plane for Finns.  Corrected RU_FORCE.DAT file error
with Cav HMG.
-Lowered probability to spot stationary personnel.  Lowered spotting capability
of moving and buttoned vehicles.
-Incendiary weapon fire escape routines fixed.  Lowered probability of fires
spreading.  However, players should note that most commanders did not authorize
the random burning down of civilian areas in Germany.  Although historically
done on occasion, players who wish to fight a little more civilized of a game
should only fire incendiaries against spotted targets, and not just burn down
entire towns hoping to catch a few enemy vehicles.  However, all warcrimes
aside, the routines HAVE been fixed and vehicles will escape per the rules now.
Those players who play PBEM and want an official house rule, it would be that
firing INCEND indiscriminately should not be allowed, rather, in can be used
indirectly only against spotted targets.
-Units lost in fires now add VPs.
-VPs adjusted for trucks (they were too high) and for infantry (they used to be
dirt cheap).
-LP/OPs get special sighting bonus.
-Cross section LOS not shown for situations where spotter has lost LOS.
-Reduced damage for Molotov cocktails and other small flame weapons (error
introduced in 2.04j)
-Increased truck and other lightly armored vehicle kills/damage from MGs.
-Fixed DF routines for onboard naval units.
NOTE:  Some armored vehicles have TWO main guns, e.g., the Char B and the
Grant/Lee series.   Although only the first ammunition type is available to the
player for the second main gun (normally AP) the other types will be listed but
are not used. Due to program constraints only AP will be accessible.  The
listing of the other ammo types is merely a cosmetic issue and has no bearing
on play.


 The following sections apply only to the weapons and forces found in Broken
Alliance.  The file "BWEAPONS.TXT" includes more detailed descriptions of
most of the new equipment.

APPENDIX D Force Structures  (Broken Alliance)

 National Force Structures:

            US / WWII Era

Company Level:
TANK                 [HQ Sec + 3 Tk Plt]
CAVALRY TROOP         [HQ + 3 Cvlry Plt]
ASSLT GUN TROOP          [HQ + 4 AG Plt]
RIFLE (Armd)     [HQ + 3 Rfl + 1 AT Plt]
RIFLE (Mtz)      [HQ + 3 Mtz + 1 AT Plt]
RIFLE           [HQ + 3 Rfl + 1 Wpn Plt]
HVY WEAPONS     [HQ + 1 Mor + 2 HMG Plt]
AIRBORNE        [HQ + 3 Abn + 1 Mor Plt]
MARINE          [HQ +3 Mar +1 Wpn +1 MG]
MED ARTLLERY BN           [HQ + 12 Guns]
HVY ARTLLERY BN            [HQ + 8 Guns]
COMBAT ENGR (Armd)     [HQ + 3 Engr Plt]
COMBAT ENGR (Mtz)      [HQ + 3 Engr Plt]

Platoon/Section Level:
TANK                           [5 Tanks]
CAVALRY (Arm)      [3 Arm Car + 6 Jeeps]
ASSAULT GUN             [3 Assault Guns]
MORTAR                       [3 Mortars]
RIFLE (Armored)       [40 Rifle + 5 APC]
RIFLE (Motorized      [42 Rifle + 6 Trk]
RIFLE                        [42 Troops]
MIL POLICE                   [35 Troops]
RECON                  [1 APC + 5 Jeeps]
ANTI AIRCRFT                    [2 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Arm)          [4 APC +3 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Mtz)          [5 Trk +3 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Provisnl)         [20 Troops]
HEAVY MG (Arm)            [4 APC + 4 MG]
HEAVY MG                          [6 MG]
ARTILLERY BTY (Towed)           [4 Guns]
TANK DESTRYR                [5 Vehicles]
TRANSPORT                   [6 Vehicles]
ROCKET                     [2 Launchers]
APC                         [6 Vehicles]
ASSLT ENGR                   [46 Troops]
COMBAT ENGINEER (Mtz)        [42 Troops]
FLAME TANK                  [2 Vehicles]
SNIPER TEAM                [1 Sniper Tm]
AIRCRAFT Spot/Strike        [2 Aircraft]
LANDING CRAFT                [5 LCI/V/P]
FLAIL TANK                     [2 Tanks]
SMOKE GENERATOR             [3 Vehicles]
BARRAGE/CARPET BOMB           [1 Attack]

         US / Korean War era

Company Level:
TANK                 [HQ Sec + 3 Tk Plt]
CAVALRY TROOP         [HQ + 3 Cvlry Plt]
ASSLT GUN TROOP          [HQ + 4 AG Plt]
RIFLE (Armd)      [HQ + 3 Rfl + Wpn Plt]
RIFLE (Mtz)      [HQ + 3 Mtz + 1 AT Plt]
RIFLE           [HQ + 3 Rfl + 1 Wpn Plt]
HVY WEAPONS    [HQ + 1 Mor + HMG + 2 AT]
AIRBORNE        [HQ + 3 Abn + 1 Mor Plt]
MARINE          [HQ +3 Mar +1 Wpn +1 MG]
MED ARTLLERY BN           [HQ + 12 Guns]
HVY ARTLLERY BN            [HQ + 8 Guns]
COMBAT ENGR (Armd)     [HQ + 3 Engr Plt]
COMBAT ENGR (Mtz)      [HQ + 3 Engr Plt]

Platoon/Section Level:
TANK                           [5 Tanks]
CAVALRY (Arm)      [3 Arm Car + 6 Jeeps]
ASSAULT GUN             [3 Assault Guns]
MORTAR                       [3 Mortars]
RIFLE (Armored)       [40 Rifle + 5 APC]
RIFLE (Motorized      [42 Rifle + 6 Trk]
RIFLE                        [42 Troops]
MIL POLICE                   [35 Troops]
RECON                  [1 APC + 5 Jeeps]
ANTI AIRCRFT                    [2 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Arm)          [4 APC +3 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Mtz)          [5 Trk +3 Guns]
ANTI-TANK (Provisnl)         [20 Troops]
HEAVY MG (Arm)            [4 APC + 4 MG]
HEAVY MG                          [6 MG]
ARTILLERY BTY (Towed)           [4 Guns]
TANK DESTRYR                [5 Vehicles]
TRANSPORT                   [6 Vehicles]
ROCKET                     [2 Launchers]
APC                         [6 Vehicles]
ASSLT ENGR                   [46 Troops]
COMBAT ENGINEER (Mtz)        [42 Troops]
FLAME TANK                  [2 Vehicles]
SNIPER TEAM                [1 Sniper Tm]
AIRCRAFT Spot/Strike        [2 Aircraft]
LANDING CRAFT                [5 LCI/V/P]
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