Fiasco - Fortune & Glory.pdf

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Fortune and Glory
You're gonna get killed chasing after your
damn fortune and glory
Willie Scott
Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom
There's an entire world of ancient civilizations out there to study and discover. There's even more money in
it if you find the artifact of your career. But remember that guy you screwed over in Tunisia 10 years ago?
He's here. Holding a gun to your back, determined to take the prize you risked your life for.
Movie Night: Indiana Jones, Tin Tin, National Treasure, The Librarian, The Rundown, The Mummy, The
Da Vinci Code,
1 Family
Parent and Child
Long Lost Relatives
Questionable Parenthood
Separated at Birth
4 Professional
Competing Archaeologists
Young Journalist and Subject of Story
Museum Curator and Treasure Hunter
Bar Owner and Silent Partner
Librarian and Research Professor
Professional Adventure Seekers
2 Friendship
Best Friends
5 The War
Inept Military Officials
Friendly Rivals/Frenemies
You Owe Them Your Life
Old Classmates
Spy and Informant
High Ranking Officers in Secret Department
Behind Enemy Lines…In Their Uniforms
Adult and Child Tourguide
Drinking Buddies
Cook and Captain
The General and The Coward
3 Romance
A Lover Scorned
We had a...thing. Once. Long ago.
Friends with Benefits
Persistent and Uninterested
Old Friends in Romantic Denial
Intellectuals in Love
6 Odd
Enemies from Another Life
Restaurant Owner and Mob Boss
Acquaintances That Can't Seem to Avoid Each Other
Nosy Neighbor and Secretive Person
"YES! I'm SURE we can trust them! Now let's go!"
Film Maker and Gopher
1 To do The Right Thing...
...And Preserve History.
...Because It Belongs In A Museum!
And Keep The Artifact From Unleashing It's Power.
...For Mein Fuhrer.
...And Restore Your Family's Honor.
...To Get Laid In The Process
4 To Get REVENGE...
...On The Person Who Jilted You
...On The Theif Who Stole Your Homeland's Precious Artifact
...By Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine
...On That Jerk Who Keeps One Upping You
...After 25 Long Years
"For that shit you pulled in Croatia!"
2 To Get rich...
...And Gain Fame and Glory No Matter the Cost
5 To Get Out...
...Of The Museum's Back Pocket
...Because You're Sick of Being Poor
...By Selling Off This Possibly Holy Trinket You "Found"
...By Stealing Everything Out From Under The Team
...Of This Godforsaken Country
...Of The Relationship
...Of This One-Sided Partnership
...By Producing Low Quality Fakes And Selling Them at a High Price
...Of your promise to give it back, since you don't have it anymore.
...Of Your Parent's House...AGAIN
...With The Artifact, The Girl/Guy, And An Army of Bad Guys On Your Tail
3 To Gain ultimate power...
...And Prove Something to Your Dad
...By Turning The Ancient and Mythical Powers of The Artifact on The World
...By Calling Upon The Great One
...Purely by Accident
...And Make Them Love Me Again
...By Besting Your Rival
6 To...
...Bestow Great Power On Myself and My Leaders
...Reunite My Family With A Lost Heirloom
...Uncover The Truth About The Dwarf Skeleton In Your Study
...Discover The Truth About Your Lineage
...Protect The Artifact
...Find The Artifact First, Damn Anyone That Gets In Your Way
1 North America
Area 51: Storage Warehouse F
Hoboken, NJ: Back Room of Italian Restaurant
Library of Congress: Secret Room
Marshall College, Connecticut; Class Room 203
French Canada
A Beach in Cancun
4 Europe
Book Burning Rally at the headquarters of the Third Reich
Secret Panel Under Queen Elizabeth's Throne
Vatican Square
A Brothel in Amsterdam Where Voltaire Contracted Syphillis
Catacombs of Paris
The Real London Underground
2 Oceania
St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney
5 Africa
Onboard the Cargo Ship, Bantu Wind
Cargo Vessel, Botany Bay off the Great Barrier Reef
Somewhere in The Outback
The Hut of an Aboriginese Tribe Leader
Tomb of the Ancient Kings
The Road to Cairo
A River Basin in the Congo
Cave in the Kakadu National Park
New Zealand
A Bazaar in the Heart of Cairo
"We are in the GOD DAMN middle of the SAHARA FUCKING DESERT!"
3 Asia
Khajuraho, India; The Temple of the Tantric Savior
The Caves of Ajanta and Ellora, India
Club Obiwan, Beijng
Noodle House, Sczechuan Province
A Town At The Base of Everest
"Yes. Russia is part of Asia. Now, get me the hell out of Serbia!"
6 South America
A Dark, Wet, Rain Forest
Nazca, Peru; The Place With The Alien Landing Strips
A City-Sized Church in Rio
The Tribal Village Built At The Base of an Active Volcano
The Streets of Rio During Carnivale
The Jungles Surrounding The Amazon
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