8 - Heartless Giant.txt

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[54][94]www.NapiProjekt.pl - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
[94][137]When people told themselves|their past with stories...
[137][162]explained their present with stories...
[163][196]foretold the future with stories...
[205][248]the best place by the fire was kept for...
[249][260]The Storyteller.
[395][409]On the whole...
[410][447]there's absolutely no need|to be frightened of giants.
[450][491]Giants are gentle, perfectly harmless,|very affectionate.
[516][560]Unless, of course,|the giant has no heart in his body.
[570][621]- The Heartless Giant -|Sync and corrections by R3V0LV3R.
[661][692]Think of all kinds of unpleasant things...
[700][719]and add "giant" to them...
[720][755]and that's what you get|when a giant has no heart.
[762][787]Such a giant once terrorized a country...
[788][820]in the far north of the world,|near the very top.
[822][835]He'd hidden his heart.
[836][874]It gave him too much trouble,|all those giant feelings.
[875][913]"In its place was a wasps" nest|about to swarm.
[923][958]This giant could crack a skull|with his fist like a walnut...
[958][976]and frequently did.
[980][1015]Until, at last, the old|king of that country...
[1016][1039]as good as the giant was bad...
[1040][1085]trapped him in a giant trap|and locked him in a giant cell.
[1106][1143]Very good.|And there he stayed for many a year.
[1145][1180]And all would have been well|but for a small problem.
[1188][1220]A small problem called Leo...
[1223][1248]youngest of the king's three sons.
[1251][1279]He is so curious.
[1335][1367]Now, there's a dark place|he's forbidden to visit.
[1370][1406]His brothers tell him|a giant lives there with no heart...
[1409][1428]but he doesn't believe it.
[1429][1446]I don't believe it.
[1460][1491]Hello, down there.
[1546][1560]Who's that?
[1583][1599]Are you a giant?
[1624][1659]Rattle once if you're a giant,|and twice if you're not.
[1689][1725]Do you have a heart, then?|Once for yes, and twice for no.
[1755][1780]A giant with no heart in his body.
[1816][1832]The little prince runs off...
[1833][1859]his imagination ablaze, he's so excited.
[1860][1892]There's a giant with no heart|living in the castle.
[1893][1928]Next morning he's up at the crack|and running past his mother...
[1929][1965]- Leo, where are you off to?|- Nowhere.
[2033][2067]- Can you hear me?|- Yes.
[2076][2095]Why are you down there?
[2097][2145]Because, long ago, I did some bad things.
[2156][2188]This is my punishment.
[2202][2235]I've been here for years and years.
[2242][2290]Unless I'm let out soon, I will surely die.
[2295][2343]- Don't worry, I'll go and tell my father.|- No. Don't tell anybody. Please.
[2360][2397]Would you like to be my friend?
[2408][2439]- Yes, please.|- Good.
[2498][2531]- He's bad, that giant.|- Oh, yes.
[2534][2558]Day after day,|the little prince comes visiting.
[2559][2571]He wants to tell...
[2572][2608]the whole world about his friend.|But he can't...
[2612][2633]so he mustn't, so he won't.
[2648][2679]And in the dark, dank,|black of the dungeon...
[2680][2713]the heartless giant plots and plans.
[2727][2775]The keys to my locks,|do you know where they're kept?
[2783][2825]- I don't. No.|- Long ago, a guard said...
[2826][2867]the king kept the keys by his bed.
[2873][2887]Those keys?
[2890][2929]They're huge, they're massive. I thought|they must be for the crown jewels.
[2930][2957]No, they're for me.
[2964][2995]They're for my misery.
[3003][3022]Do you know something?
[3025][3070]I think if I got those old keys|and let you out, nobody would even realise.
[3074][3101]No, that's not right.
[3106][3154]This is my punishment. I deserve it.
[3162][3211]It's not fair that you're chained down there.|I bet that chain hurts your legs.
[3215][3243]Only sometimes.
[3258][3297]I don't care what you say.|I'm going to go and get those keys.
[3315][3335]And so, that very night...
[3340][3382]Leo crept into the room|where the king and queen were sleeping.
[3514][3537]It's me. I've got the keys.
[3576][3591]Who goes there?
[3592][3614]- Hurry.|- They're too big.
[3616][3655]- They can't be. Push them.|- I'm trying.
[3710][3739]Don't forget to let me have them back.
[3743][3762]What's happening?
[4096][4112]What's happened? Are we attacked?
[4113][4151]- The giant, my lord, he's escaped.|- Father, what's happening?
[4156][4175]The giant has escaped.
[4188][4210]Leo. Go back to your room. It's not safe.
[4211][4234]How could he have escaped|after all this time?
[4235][4257]He had the keys, my lord.
[4262][4295]Then someone helped him.|Someone betrayed us.
[4305][4342]A madman. Only a madman|would help a giant with no heart.
[4364][4381]It's starting again.
[4404][4429]Leo, I said get back to your room.
[4477][4520]- Poor boy.|- That's right. "Someone betrayed us."
[4522][4554]"Only a madman would help a giant|with no heart."
[4561][4588]The boy's face swam with tears.
[4589][4631]So let down, he felt. So stupid.
[4642][4670]And from that moment, the boy in him...
[4673][4700]the innocent heart, the joy in him...
[4709][4726]they were gone...
[4730][4774]like his friend, and|they would never return.
[4813][4854]- Brother, where are you going?|- I am going to get back the giant.
[4855][4892]- Now, wish me luck and get back to bed.|- Good luck.
[4913][4926]I'm sorry.
[4938][4956]But his brother didn't hear.
[4956][4979]He'd gone to find the giant...
[4991][5010]and he didn't come back.
[5034][5067]Brother, where are you going?
[5067][5112]- To find our brother and to kill the giant.|- But he'll trick you.
[5117][5132]Wish me luck.
[5149][5190]Terrible, our boy felt,|as his brother rode off. Terrible.
[5194][5222]And this brother didn't come back either.
[5275][5314]Your father says|he intends to go off to fight the giant.
[5317][5335]He can't. He mustn't.
[5336][5373]I've lost two sons already.|He's too old. He's too ill.
[5388][5434]- Don't cry.|- Leo, promise me you won't ever go.
[5444][5473]But he can't promise. How can he?
[5477][5489]Were it not for him...
[5490][5538]the heartless giant would still be chained|and locked and safe in the dungeon.
[5543][5581]No, he did the damage, he must repair it.
[5582][5616]So, off, madness, off, folly...
[5618][5650]off, for goodness sake,|to find the giant...
[5651][5676]and put an end to his cruelty.
[5701][5735]And so the young prince Leo|rides the land...
[5736][5769]in search of his once-friend,|the heartless giant.
[5776][5820]Three winters come and go|their bitter shiver...
[5821][5848]until, one day, he comes to a place...
[5848][5885]and knows|he's in the giant's cruel footsteps.
[5886][5910]"Help me," cries a trampled bird.
[5913][5961]"The giant broke me and now I cannot fly,|cannot eat. Help me."
[5969][6018]And Leo tended the bird, fixed its wing,|fed it bread soaked in milk...
[6021][6046]and soon all was well with it.
[6046][6096]"Thank you," cried the bird.|"If you need me, I shan't forget."
[6108][6141]Not long after, he stops at a stream...
[6142][6190]and he hears a flapping,|hears a thrashing, hears a slapping.
[6195][6244]"Help me," cries the choking fish.|"Help me back into the water.
[6245][6282]"I'm stuck here, I'm stranded,|I'm beached-up and landed."
[6288][6319]Now, Leo's famished, and he loves a fish...
[6325][6351]but he's suffered sufficient, this fellow.
[6351][6387]Back he goes to where the salmon is king.
[6395][6417]"Thank you," cries the fish.
[6428][6477]I'd have scoffed him,|if he was so hungry. I like fish.
[6484][6514]Would you? Listen.
[6519][6565]He goes on a little further,|and now his horse gives up the ghost.
[6568][6606]His old horse who's carried the prince|a 1,000 miles and more...
[6607][6645]sinks slowly to his knees|and rolls over on his side...
[6659][6672]and dies.
[6679][6705]So did the prince eat his horse?
[6706][6733]No, he didn't, he couldn't.
[6746][6785]He lay down beside it,|famished and forlorn.
[6787][6824]He shuts his eyes, squeezing back tears...
[6828][6847]drifting into dreams.
[6871][6891]It's his mother nursing him.
[6892][6930]Licking up his wet cheeks, hugging him.
[6962][6999]Don't move. Terrible teeth glistening.
[7020][7046]I've not eaten since the winter came.
[7051][7091]Help me, let me eat your horse.|I'll eat it and be strong again.
[7101][7113]Trust me.
[7114][7161]But how can Leo trust anyone?|He's trusted before and been betrayed.
[7163][7190]That's right. Let the wolf starve.
[7192][7240]Please, or I must surely die.
[7246][7262]No, don't do it.
[7273][7310]Eat your fill. And if you must...
[7319][7343]then, afterwards, eat me.
[7346][7378]And the wolf eats the horse|and sucks the bones...
[7379][7410]until there's not a scrap|left, save the reins.
[7423][7445]Master, come here.
[7446][7460]Oh, no.
[7466][7497]- Am I to go now?|- Yes, us both.
[7497][7537]I'll help you. On my back, sir.
[7539][7560]Let's leave this place.
[7562][7609]And he does and they do.|And they go a grey dash...
[7610][7634]a day and a night and a morning...
[7639][7689]until they come at last|to a garden full with statues.
[7698][7731]Stone men, stone women...
[7736][7764]stone soldiers.
[7779][7820]- This is my brother.|- This is the giant's work.
[7821][7870]There is his house.|All who approach, he turns to stone.
[7884][7903]Oh, no, look. You, too.
[7918][7933]You're so cold.
[7949][7975]The giant was my friend. He really was.
[7976][8020]He's no one's friend.|He has no heart in his body.
[8023][8044]Then I must find his heart.
[8152][8187]Where did you get that drum?
[8191][8211]It's mine. It's me, Leo.
[8236][8256]Prince Leo?
[8273][8322]Yes, it is you. I can see now.
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