Kings of War - Clash of Kings (2022 edition).pdf

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2022 Edition
A Supplement for
Introduction ..........................................2
Halflings ..........................................................6
Riftforged Orcs ..............................................22
A Storm in the Shires .................................28
Halfling Army List ............................42
Riftforged Orcs Army List ................52
Clash Of Kings Updates 2022 ..........62
Library of Arcane Knowledge ....................64
Magical Artefacts ..........................................68
A Storm in the Shires Campaign....36
2022 Army Changes ........................... 72
Rules and Scenario Development
Patrick Allen, Michael Crossman, Matt James, Jason
Moorman, Chris Morris, Elliot Morrish
Matt Gilbert, Rob Burman
Graphic Design
Duncan Aldis
Additional Rules Development
Kyle Przelenski
Ben Sandum
Mark Lathan, Scott H Washburn
Author’s own collection,, tabletop-
Aaron Chapman, Andrew Goodman, Andrew Whitehead, Andy Marshall, Ben Johnson, Brinton Williams, Chris
Cowburn, Daniel Bird, Daniel King, David Symonds, Dustin Howard, Ed Herzig, Eldon Krosch Jr., Erich Trowbridge,
Garrett Mercier, Geoff Holland, George Kirke, Grant Fetter, Hank Googe, Jeffery Swann, Jeffrey Traish, Jeremy Duvall,
John Green Jr., Jon Gunns, Jonathon Quayle, Jose Vega, Keith Conroy, Kevin Haney, Kris Kapsner, Kyle Timberlake,
Marc Taylor, Mathew Sellick, Matt Carmack, Matt Croger, Matt Gee, Matthew Curtis, Michael Clarke, Michael
Crossman, Michael Pearcy, Nicholas Mikelonis, Nick Legrand, Nick Oftime, Nick Prosser, Nick Williams, Page Neo,
Rashad Navidi, Richard Laking, Roger Connor, Roy Bradford McKay, Si Brand, Steven Housenick, Thomas Bandur
Aleksandersen, Todd Serpico, Tom Annis, Tom Robinson, Tony Winmill, Tyler Schulz, Yan Zhi Lai
A storm rages above the Abyss. Lightning crackles across the
ominous sky and thunder rolls through the mountains and
valleys of the world. Garkan the Black has brought a new
wickedness into the world. But as the legions of greenskins
spew forth from the depths of the hellish rent upon the face
of Pannithor, a new military power stirs in the heart of the
Ardovikian Plain.
Welcome to the Clash of Kings 2022. It has been two years
since the launch of the third edition of Kings of War. An
awful lot has happened globally in the time since!
The tournament and gaming scene took a hit due to the
global pandemic but that does not seem to have prevented
people playing lots of games online and (in some cases at
least!) getting through their backlog of unpainted minis. Of
course, most of us took the opportunity to add to the pile
Now some of us are lucky enough to be getting back to
gaming in real life, and tournaments are happening again,
it is time for a big update to the game and the armies. The
changes introduced in Halpi’s Rift were a light touch but it is
now time to get serious…
In this book you will find all the background and rules you
need to introduce two new armies to your games of Kings
of War. The Halflings get their own army having split away
from the League of Rhordia. There is even a novel, Broken
Alliance, where you can read all about that.
From the wicked hands of the dark smith Garkan and made
with the power that seeps from the rift under the Halpi
Mountains, come the brutal new menace, the Riftforged orcs.
Both armies get full background so you can learn all about
their origins, history, and military structures. In addition,
there is a great storyline and set of linked scenarios you can
play through to tell the story of the Riftforged invasion of the
Shires. Of course, you don’t have to play this with Halflings
and the Riftforged orcs – you can swap those out for your
existing armies and play through the exciting new challenges.
Along with the two new armies, there are major changes for
every single faction in the game. These updates are going to
shake up the game and ensure that no army plays quite the
same as it used to!
You will find more customisable heroes, more magic, more
use of keywords, and the return of Formations to name just
some of the great updates in the pages that follow. Oh, and
the usual run through all the armies to address balance and
power in the game.
Clash of Kings 2022 really is going to make Kings of War
even more epic than before.
Good luck general, your army awaits its new orders!
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