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is a term used to signify a unified
military strategy to integrate and combine armed forces
for the military theatre of operations, including air,
information, land, sea, and space to achieve military goals.
It includes the environment, factors, and conditions that
must be understood to successfully apply combat power,
protect the force, or complete the mission. This includes
enemy and friendly armed forces, infrastructure, weather,
terrain, and the electromagnetic spectrum within the
operational areas and areas of interest.
- US Department of Defence
What you need to play...........................................................3
Set up.......................................................................................5
Soldier attributes....................................................................6
Playing the game....................................................................7
Turn phases.............................................................................8
Enemy AI..............................................................................10
Advanced rules.....................................................................11
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Battlespace is an ultra modern military tabletop solo game that is designed to be easy to learn and quick to play. Using the
Quick Team build, a player selects 4 pre-made soldiers out of a 12 man squad for his fireteam. The soldiers’ cards have all
of the information required to get the them to the table, so you don’t spend time page flipping looking for stats. If you feel
like your fireteam is going in light on firepower or you just want to add tactical depth, gear cards are available to further
differentiate your soldiers.
The simple AI along with the Sitrep cards, direct the opposition giving the missions a dynamic feel each time you play.
Simply draw a card and follow the text.
Find cover and prepare for contact!
14 - 20 models (4 representing your soldiers)
(10 - 16 representing the Enemy Element). When the rules
refer to a model it includes the model’s base.
Gear Cards
Gear cards are equipped to soldiers and allow a tactical
advantage. Some Gear cards give soldiers a specific role
on the team, while others are weapons at the soldier’s
1 D20, 1 D6
A D20 is primarily used in the game. When rolling, you
must meet or exceed a threat level number (Threat lvl)
to be successful. When a random direction is required,
roll a D20 and use the point at the top of the number to
determine the direction.
A D6 will be used when a random number of enemies
must enter the mission area.
SITREP card are the AI for enemy element and other
situations that may arise. Simply read the instructions on
the cards and play it out on the table.
Enemy Element Cards
The Enemy Element cards list the Threat lvl of the enemy,
the amount of wounds an enemy can sustain and any skills
the enemy type will have.
Maneuver Card
The Maneuver card is used for several things, but its
primary use is movement. Place the Maneuver card
against the base of the model in the direction you intend
on moving it. Then, move the model up to the opposite
end of the Maneuver card. A model that needs to move
further (advance) will move up to two Maneuver card
lengths. Other uses of the Maneuver card will be explained
later in the rules.
Wound Markers
Use wound markers on enemies that can sustain more than
one wound and your soldier when they receive wounds.
Activation Markers
Use activation markers to track models that have activated
in the current turn.
Soldier Cards
These cards list your soldiers modifiers and any special
skills they might have.
Suppression Fire Marker
When a model uses suppression fire, use this marker to
represent the direction he is shooting.
Battlespace is played in a number of turns depending on
the mission. Each turn consists of three phases. Because
this game is solo/cooperative there are no victor points.
Players must complete objectives.
Failure to do so willresult in the loss of the mission.
A key aspect of the game is the Threat Level system. Think
of this as you rolling to determine if your soldier avoids
a danger or “threat” to his well being. For example, if
an enemy is shooting at your soldier, you are rolling to
determine if your soldier avoids the gunfire.
Games can be played on a 2’ x 2’, 2’ x 3’ or 3’ x 3’ table
for larger games. Use models from any range that are on
25mm bases, as this is what was used to develop the game.
Remember, the game is most fun when you don’t try to
game the system. The AI is in place to give you a framework
on how enemies should behave, but it’s up to you to make
them a truly formidable force.
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