Die Elektrischen Vorspiele.pdf

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Die Elektrischen Vorspiele
Dead Jellyfish
This ritual is for the purpose of creating an Electric Vortex using
technology to bring about long term change in the participant's lives.
It originally appeared in Anton LaVey's Satanic Rituals and has been
modified by myself to the present form here.
Materials Required:
A Grail
Red Wine
Tuning Rod
Black Light
Tesla Coil
Jacob's Ladder
Fog Machine
Strobe Light
Laser Pointer
A large trapezoidal seal with a pentagram in the center to be
constructed above the altar using fishing line, which will be
illuminated by the black light. The Tesla Coil will be placed on a small
table in the center of the Temple space. Four volunteers will be
stripped naked and wrapped in Saran Wrap from head to toe and laid
around the table bent at the waist so that their bodies form a Swastika.
Another trapezoidal seal will be drawn on the floor with chalk around
their bodies. Lastly, a Mantra Sigil representing the Statement of
Intent should be constructed.
0. Ringing of the Tuning Rod nine times.
1. Invocation of the Four Elements.
2. Reading of the Sixth Enochian Key:
The Sixth Key (Enochian):
Gahe sa-div cahisa em, micalazoda Pil-zodinu, sobam El haraji mir babalonu
od obeloce samevelaji, dalagare malapereji ar-caosaji od acame canale, sobola
zodare fabeliareda caosaji od cahisa aneta-na miame ta Viv od Da. Daresare
Sol-petahe-bienu Be-ri-ta od zodacame ji-micalazodo: sob-ha-atahe tarianu
luia-he od ecarinu MADA Qu-a-a-on!
The Sixth Key (English):
The Spirits of the fourth Angle are Nine Mighty in the Firmament of
Waters: whom the First hath planted, a torment to the wicked and a
garland to the righteous: giving unto them fiery darts to vanne the
earth, and 7699 continual workmen, whose courses visit with comfort
the earth; and are in government and continuance as the Second and
the Third - Therefore hearken unto my voice! I have talked of you,
and I move you in power and presence, whose Works shall be a song
of honor, and the praise of your God in your Creation!
3. Partaking of the Red Wine from the Grail.
4. Celebrant takes his place at the console, turns on both black and
white sound signals which continue to the end of ritual.
5. Begin alternating audible sound at one second intervals (60 /
11,000cps). Also start the music track to accompany the rite.
6. Activate the Tesla Coil and Jacob's Ladder.
7. Activate the Black Light.
8. Assistant takes his place at the consol, and maintains audible sound
at one minute intervals during the celebrants invocation.
9. The Nine Angles are called into the Trapezoidal seal:
From the First Angle is the infinite, wherein the laughing one doth cry
and the flutes wail unto the ending of time.
From the Second Angle is the master who doth order the planes and
the angles, and who hath conceived the World of Horrors in its terror
and glory.
From the Third Angle is the messenger, who hath created the power
to behold the master of the World of Horrors, who giveth to thee
substance of being and the knowledge of the Nine Angles.
From the Fourth Angle is the Ram of the Sun, who brought thy selves
to be, who endureth upon the World of Horrors and proclaimeth the
time that was, the time that is, and the time that shall be; and whose
name is the brilliance of the Nine Angles.
From the Fifth Angle are the hornless ones, who raise the temple of
the five trihedrals unto the Dæmons of creation, whose seal is at once
four and five and nine.
From the Sixth Angle is the sleep of the Dæmons in symmetry, which
doth vanquish the five but shall not prevail against the four and the
From the Seventh Angle is the ruin of symmetry and the awakening
of the Dæmons, for the four and the nine shall prevail against the six.
From the Eighth Angle are the Masters of the Realm, who raise the
temple of the eight trihedrals unto the Dæmons of creation, whose
seal is at once four and five and nine.
From the Ninth Angle is the flame of the beginning and ending of
dimensions, which blazeth in brilliance and darkness unto the glory
of desire.
10. The assistant combines both audible frequencies in chording
bringing the volume to full intensity, and activates the strobe light.
11. The remaining participants invoke the Hounds of Tindaloos and
circle around the Trapezoidal seal on all fours baying and barking --
slowly at first, gradually building up speed and fervor. The four
participants that form the Swastika will chant a Mantra representing
the Statement of Intent. Meanwhile the Celebrant invokes Set and
directs the energy from the hounds and the participants forming the
Swastika towards the Vortex being formed above and around the
Tesla Coil.
13. When the Participants have reached a frenzy with their barking
and running, the Assistant will turn off the strobe light and stop the
11,000 cps note. Instead he will play a combination of 30 / 45 / 60
frequencies at high intensity which will sound like thunder. At this
point the participants will stop their baying and running. The Vortex
has been created.
14. The Celebrant faces the East and makes the Proclamation:
Celebrant: See the Red Sunrise in the East! We Desire Power!
All: We Shall Have Power!
Celebrant: We Desire Wealth!
All: We Shall Have Wealth!
Celebrant: We Desire Wisdom!
All: We Shall Have Wisdom!
Celebrant: We Desire Recognition!
All: We Shall Have Recognition!
Celebrant: We Desire Followers!
All: We Shall Have Followers!
Celebrant: The Twilight is Come -- the Twilight of the Gods. The
Dawn breaks in the East! It is the morning of Magick! The World is
afire! Loki lives upon the Earth! Hail Loki!
All: Hail Loki!
Celebrant: Ave Satanas!
All: Ave Satanas!
Celebrant: Rege Satanas!
All: Rege Satanas!
Celebrant: Hail Satan!
All: Hail Satan!
15. All sound frequencies are terminated at this point, along with the
lights -- except for the candles. All sit in quiet contemplation for a few
minutes and listen to the music track. Music is terminated and the
ritual is concluded with the statement:
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin