Elizabeth Rose Howard_The Astrology of Reincarnation Vol. 2 Part 2_ The Lunar Nodes.pdf

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Table of Contents
The Teachings About Astrology
The Lunar Nodes
The Nodes in the Signs of the Zodiac
Amedeo Rotondi's Natal Chart
Aspects of the North Node
Aspects of the South Node
The Lunar Nodes in the Houses
The Lunar Phases
The Prenatal New Moon
Chart Examples
The purpose of this series of this channelled
astrological material is to provide additional
information on the esoteric and astrological knowledge
transmitted in “The Secret Doctrine” to Helena
Blavatsky. It is not our purpose to substitute that book
nor make any claims, but merely to provide additional
information along the esoteric tradition started in “The
Secret Doctrine”.
Over 200 years have gone by since Madame
Blavatsky wrote her masterpiece of occult knowledge,
and a new dispensation of spiritual information on some
of its topics has been given again today. In the new
millennium, this knowledge will contribute to further
the spiritual awareness of those who are on a quest for
self-understanding and realization with additional
information more pertinent to the spiritual seeker of the
twenty-first century. We leave the reader to decide on
its value and accuracy.
In the 1940’s, Djwhal Khul provided true spiritual
seekers with additional information on the topic of
Astrology through his channel Alice Bailey, in their
book “ Esoteric Astrology”. His information did not
contradict “The Secret Doctrine”, but added further
material to the foundation of the new spiritual
dispensations by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth.
So did the work of Edgar Cayce, who retrieved
information from the Akashic records by means of a
“spirit facilitator”, thought to have been his Higher Self.
Brick by brick, throughout the ages, a new edifice of
spiritual wisdom has been built on the sound spiritual
foundations of the old.
It is the objective of this book to do likewise. Its
aim is to enable the seeker to shed light on the thorny
process of self-awareness, to better enable him or her to
do what occultists have referred to as “The Great
Work”. Yet, this book is not for the few, although by its
very esoteric nature it will attract only a few earnest
students. This is how esoteric works and information,
once released to the masses, still maintain their intrinsic
esoteric nature. It is a self-regulating process, protected
by its very essence. Not many people are able to
perceive its value or are ready to receive the teachings.
The present book is meant for anyone who is a genuine
seeker. It is not necessary to have a particular level of
knowledge of astrology in order to understand it.
As for other channelled astrological information
which contradicts the tradition, yet bears a similar name
to that of the Hierarchy, we leave the reader to come up
with his or her own conclusions as to the validity of
such work. We hope that the reader will measure it
against the validity of the prophecies made by these
sources, their consistency as to whether they really
came to pass, and whether they prophesied unavoidable
suffering from “bad karma”, only based upon general
statements about a planetary placement or sign, without
considering the nuances of personal circumstance.
To this effect, we quote the Secret Doctrine:
“There is white and black astrology... the good or bad
results obtained do not depend upon the principles
which are the same in both kinds, but upon the
astrologer himself. (Secret Doctrine Vol. III, 339)
We know that both Theosophists and Spiritualists
are aware of the phenomenon of “impersonating spirits”
and the deceitful information they have spread on the
earth plane in order to incite fear, fatalism, dependence
on the release of information related to one’s survival,
guilt and mental subjugation on to their followers. (For
more information on impersonating spirits see “Spirit
Identity by William Stainton Moses published by Dodo
The information contained in this book-series has
been received through a process of thought-
transference, or mind-to-mind information transmission,
intuition and clairvoyance, in which the writer was
shown and/or given information regarding specific
astrological topics. No spirit ever took over the writer’s
hand or body, which remained in total control of the
writer whilst in full waking consciousness (and who had
complete choice as to when to write down the
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