Emma Belle Donath_Asteroids in Synastry.pdf

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Asteroids in Synastry
Emma Belle Donath
Books by Emma Belle Donath
The Planetoids
Asteroids and Relationships
Ceres, oddess of the Harvest
Pallas Athena, oddess of Wisdom
Juno, oddess of Marriage
Vesta, oddess of the Hearth
Automatic Actions and Responses
Contact Cosmogram
Books by Emma Belle Donath
Asteroids in Synastry
Asteroids in Midpoints
Asteroids in the Birth Chart
Asteroids in the U.S.A.
Have We Met Before?
Houses: Which and When
Minor Aspects Between Natal Planets
Patterns of Professions
Approximate Positions of Asteroids 1900-1999
The Planetoids
Life on the earth is but the reflection of a greater plan
The patterns of the cosmos—the action of woman and
Relationships not based upon the giants of life,
But upon the myriad of happenings creating balance or
Moments that become the years,
The tiny breaths one hardly hears.
The stars reveal the story in a similar way.
The patterns of relationships day to day . . .
Found in the movement of the little planetoids,
Not in just what the giants say.
From Juno comes the message of wrong and right.
From Ceres comes service and nurturing delight.
Vesta calls for sacrifice and doing what’s best.
Pallas Athena teaches building and defending the nest.
Their movements are subtle but surely felt
As we again seek the perfection when two become one.
The answers reflected through the asteroid belt.
Reveal the perfection Virgo would become . . .
The responsibility of home and the sanctity of life.
The joy of service and the bonds of man and wife.
Doing it right now so that we can enjoy it tomorrow.
To experience both the pleasure and the sorrow.
—Myriam Ruthchild, 1977
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