Predictions for 1664_William Lilly_Anglicus.pdf

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'Merlini Anglici Ephemeris
Or Aftrological Judgments for the year 1664.
By W i L L I A M LILLY Student in Aftrologf.
UN to Elias Afhmole Efy whe
in all Changes and eDery Tfy-
yolution of Time, fince firfl
tance 16415. hath continued (Semper
idem) this Annual AfirologicalAif-
courfe is
Student in jiflrolojry*
Ajlrologkal Judgments.
Events which may proceed from the effefts of this Minor
or leaft Gonjunftion of Saturn and Jupiter ; ior it be ma
the 4th. Conjunction in order fince their firft entrance
into theriery Trigon, it cannot have fignitication of i'o
ftupendious accidents as lome have dreamed off.
d Media. Know then that thefe a Supcriour Planets
returned into this fiery Triplicity in 1603. the ych. of 1
Decemb. of that year, and made their firh Conjunction in
7. d. 58'. jcV
1 Minima. Their fecond Conjunftion was celebrated
according unto Kcp/er 1613. 7th. July
— in 6.d.
z Minima. Their third Conjunftion was made 1641.
or 1^43.1 j. February in z<;. drqg.'oi Pifces: but effectu-
ally the Events appeared in thole Kingdoms and Conn,
trycs lubjedl unto Aries : of this Conjuntfion ' we wrote
a particular Treatil'c called the Prophetical Merita
Printed 1644.
3 Minima. This prcfent Conjundtion is the 4th.
fince their return into this Triplicity, and by the Rudol-
phinTctbles is in 11. d. 21'. 34". of asMr. fiA calca-
iared it.
There is fome difference aniongff Calculators by rea-
fon of feveral Agronomical Tables now extant, not about
the Degree, but exaft Minute of its true Conjunftion.
By the Caroline Tables fo much admired by the learned,
and performed by the famous Aftronomer Mr. Thomas
Street, B and V are in cf 4th. Ott. aih. 20'. PM. in 13.
Eickftadius delivers the Conjunftion to be n th. OJ,
in 13, d. 50'. of tfh
Argoll will have it in 13. d. 51".
nth. Oftohtr
20 h. PM.
Henry Ofborn by Bullialdtis Tables, calculates the true
place to be in 13. 3
25". of jd
. Calculated by a learn-
ed hand from the Richelieu Tables, the cf is in 13. 33 ^
1 o. OR, 13 h. 13*PM. and then 17 filafcends^ By reafon
of the flow motion of thefe z Planets, Cardanus, and after
him many lober Artifis do maintain its not poffiWe to
have'the very exaft time of h and "¥ their Conjunftions.
The polition of Heaven we have printed, was perform-
cJ by M-dtbciv Fifty in memory of whofe Civilities we
could do no lefs than publifh it, there being nothing elfc
remaining of his labour that ever came to our hands;
though wc may not warrant the Scheam to be exaftly
true, yet if wc give any credit unco the Animodar of
Utelomcy, it will appear not to be tar from truth, for in
the Lunatioii preceding this Conjunftion, we tindthc
Imhiary that is above the Earth to be the L'W.t, and the
in the 13. dcgr. of Aries, wherein Mara hath moft for-
titudes, and he in the Scheam of this Conjunftion is in
the ^ch. deg. 6'. of Leo, —— and fo not fully z de-
grees lefs than the degree afcending, an crrour eafily re-
conciled — we Confide not much in the pofition, hue
(hall onely make ufe of the Longitudes of the planets, as
they arc at the time of the Conjunftion: for fince the
effefts from hence to be deduced will not immediately
fuccced ; wc fliall obvioufly in this year, and every other
year fucceeding, take notice thereof: for wc take the
Conjunftion it fclf to be like a Byrch, which by time and
Order of nature at length comes to perfeftion, or to per-
form what the wife God of Nature hath ordained it for :
alfurcdly wc may believe that the cf is a Byrch, the repa-
ration of thefe z planets rrelently after their Conjunfti-
on, may be aliimilated unto the Infancy of the Child, or
their firft afpeft unto its education j their Quadrat af-
peft unco chofc years next fucceeding the years of In-
ftruftions 3 their firft Trxnc Afpeft unto almoft a perfeft
Man, ripe in (Il ength and underftanding : their Oppofi-
tion mav be compared unto that point of time wherein a
Man is lufty , full of Vivacity and Spirit, willfulland
valiant, and wherein he is in a capacity of doing himielf
good or ill, for the future part of his life, ifheSubjeft
his will unto reafon ; but for the moft part Man in his
A 3
Aft ons
Afirological judgments.
Adions is governed more by fenle than reafon; thole
afpetts of the Superiours happening after oppolition, do
manifelt the declining part of mans life even unta his
Grave; but enoughj if not too much hereof &c.
Two remarkeable things happened in Europe, upon the
entrance of thei'e z planets into the fiery Trigon, in
1605.—-■ Firil an Union of E/tgla>id and ScoiUnd mv
one Monarchy
Secondly in 1607. The HoUipJas
were treated with as a free State, who before were in qua-
lity of Subjects &c. In this our prefent Conjunftionit
cannot be denied, bur that V is bell fortified; from
therce therefore we may expeft much happinels, and
good edccts,generally in their due time tending unto tran-
quillity, efpecially unto thoic Nations fubjeft unto the
fiery Trigon, i. e. who are not vitiated with prcfence of
the Infortunes; if our figure be exadl, an happy accom-
modation may fucceed the d. quid 1? ¥ 9 i/? qta, fed
am qiudaw diffiadtatc & prolongatione, vi\. not witli-
out much difficulty and after fome years.
But it is our intention to intermix this years Alln-
Josical Judgments both of the 0 his Ingrcfs into vy
1(^3. and into/iWcr 1664. and of that total Eclips of
the ff in f ib if?44.
with our ob!c rations contin-
gently m relation unto the cf of T? ana V.
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin