Stephen Arroyo_Astrology, Karma _ Transformation- The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart.pdf

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Reviewers’ comments on Astrology, Karma &
“Arroyo’s new book reflects a real depth of
comprehension and ability to integrate humanistic
astrology with Jungian psychology and Eastern
philosophy. The simplicity and clarity of his
treatment of complex ideas is remarkable; it makes
accessible even to the beginner a wealth of
understanding…giving meaningful psychological
grounding to astrological interpretation.”
– Library Journal
“This is straight, clean astrology, in modern
terms, very well and concisely written. One of the
best modern works we have seen.”
– CAO Times
“You have done a superb job on
It is the kind of book
that is going to raise the level of consciousness in
the astrological field. I salute you for the depth of
consciousness and the insight that is shown in your
– Isabel Hickey
Author of Astrology: A Cosmic Science
“I find it to be superior to any other astrology
book I have ever read. It is a remarkable work of
extremely meaningful material that is written in a
very lucid and practical style, and that is why I tell
my students that I consider it to be an absolute
– Robert S. Kimball
Astrological Researcher & Teacher
“It is not contrived or artificial when Arroyo
talks of the horoscope as the map of the soul in its
present karmic state. Nothing is forced. The
understanding of astrological principles flows
harmoniously. In fact, there is not a single sentence
or thought in this book that is not honest,
reasonable, and fair to the miracle of the human
being. In addition to this quality of excellence,
there is profound astrological knowledge. This is a
superb book, a gift to astrology.
– Lore Wallace
Astrology Now
To my wife, partner, & adviser Kathy,
In appreciation for her encouragement, her
practical & spiritual help, and her way of
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Arroyo. Stephen.
Astrology. karma & transformation inner dimensions of
the birth chart / Stephen Arroyo. -- New rev. & expanded
ed., 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-916360-54-7 (pbk.) :
1. Astrology. 2. Natal astrology. 3. Self-realization-
Miscellanea. 4. Outer planets--Miscellanea. 5. Karma. I.
Title. II. Title: Astrology, karma, and transformation.
BF1719.A77 1992
© 1978, 1992 by Stephen Arroyo
Mandala Illustrations © 1978 by Pacia Ryneal
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in
any manner whatsoever (including photocopying) without written permission from the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Published simultaneously in the United States
and Canada by CRCS Publications
Cover Design & Mandalas by Pacia Ryneal
Book Design & Layout by Kathleen Mullins
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