callan 3-test.odt

(1992 KB) Pobierz

stage 3



1.    Is Paris beside the sea? N

2.    Is your stomach empty after a very large meal? N

3.    Do you leave your shoes in the classroom after the lesson? N

4.    Do most people think Paris is a worst place to live in than the North Pool? N

5.    Where we here two minutes ago? Y

6.    Do you know if  it’ll rain tomorrow? N

7.    The our hair cover the tops of our heads? Y

8.    Do we add the letters ‘ed’ to form the Past Tense of regular verbs? Y

9.    Did you move any part of your body during the last lesson? Y

10.           Is Easter sometimes in April? Y

11.           Do you thing is a bed idea to go to England if you want learn English well? N

12.           Can you have as much money as bank of England? N

13.           Are you in this room together with other people? Y

14.           Does a street connect two towns together? N

15.           Does January come at the end of the year? N

16.           Does twice fifteen (15) equals a thundered  (100)? N

17.           Does Thursday always follow Wednesday? Y

18.           Does is generally snow very much in warm countries? N

19.           Can we cut bread without a knife? N

20.           Can a man in Europe have two wives? N

21.           Does the sun ever shine during the night? N

22.           Do you agree the smoking is bed for the health? Y

23.           Is e very often hot in  Finland N

24.           After drinking two bottles of whisky can you walk in a straight line? N

25.           Where you here a hundred years ago N

26.           Is the river in London as long as the longest river in the world? N

27.           Are there very many people in a small village? N

28.           Has each chair in this room only got three legs? N

29.           Did last season was about three mounts? Y

30.           Do you take your hat and coat of when you go out in winter? N

31.           Can you sit at the corner of a round table? N

32.           If you want to eat in a restaurant must you have some money? Y

33.           Have we as many feet as fingers N

34.           Can you write as quickly as you can speak? N

35.           Do we use our  mouths for both eating and speaking? Y

36.           Is it right to say ‘I’m watching at the picture of the wall’? N

37.           Does it snow everywhere in the world? N

38.           If you arrive at the station too early, must you wait for the train arrive Y

39.           Must you study a lot if you want to learn a language well? Y

40.           Are you holding anything in your hand at the moment? Y










The lesson lasts fifteen minutes. We eat our lunch with a knife and fork. On the table we can have wine, milk, bred and bottle, and sometimes some flowers. Parents are mother and father. Relations are uncle, aunts, cousins etc. My husband’s brother is Russian, but his wife is Spanish. The time by my watch is quarter to twelve. There is the only address I have. Yesterday was Tuesday, tomorrow will be Thursday. Why does nobody speak Greek here?. Steel is not ugly metal, but not beautiful. I like tea, but I dislike coffee. It cost a lot of money.



1.        slow – wolno  road - droga

2.        another – następny

3.        seldom – żadko

4.        the latest – najpoźniejszy

5.        below – poniżej

6.        happy – szczęśliwy

7.        land – ląd

8. ...

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