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The Russian Orthodox Church
History and Influence
A curriculum unit for grades 6-10
Developed by Annalise Blech, Curriculum Specialist,
Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
at the University of Texas at Austin
----------------------------------------------- The Russian Orthodox Church ----------------------------------------
The Russian Orthodox Church: History and Influence
A curriculum unit for grades 6-10
Draft Version
Compilation Date: July 2008
Permission is granted to reproduce this unit for classroom use only.
Please do not redistribute without prior permission.
For more information, please see:
----------------------------------------------- The Russian Orthodox Church ----------------------------------------
Russian Orthodox Church Curriculum
Teacher's Notes ............................................................................................................... 4
Activity 1: Timeline ........................................................................................................ 5
Activity 2: T-Chart.......................................................................................................... 6
Activity 3: Learn the Cyrillic Alphabet............................................................................ 7
Reading 1: Russian History and the Orthodox Church..................................................... 9
Reading 2: The Orthodox Place of Worship .................................................................. 11
Reading 3: Basic Facts about the Russian Orthodox Church.......................................... 13
Reading 4: The Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian State................................... 15
Reading 5: The Russian Orthodox Church in the Nineteenth Century............................ 17
Reading 6: The Russian Orthodox Church in the Twentieth Century ............................. 18
Activity 4: Timeline ...................................................................................................... 19
Activity 5: Architecture................................................................................................. 20
Activity 6: The Firebird................................................................................................. 21
Activity 7: The Firebird II ............................................................................................. 23
Map Activity 1: Russian Orthodox Churches................................................................. 24
Map Activity 2: Borderlands ......................................................................................... 25
Reading 7: The Russian Far East ................................................................................... 26
Reading 8: The Russian Orthodox Church Reunification............................................... 28
Reading 9: The Russian Orthodox Church Reunification II ........................................... 29
Summation Activity ...................................................................................................... 31
----------------------------------------------- The Russian Orthodox Church ----------------------------------------
Teacher's Notes
Introduce students to the history and beliefs of the Russian Orthodox Church
Encourage students to understand religious similarities and differences
Familiarize students with the geography and culture of the Russian Federation
Encourage students to compare Russia and the United States
This unit is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and National
History Standards that cover the impact and influence of religion in culture and history.
Assessment Evidence:
As students expand their knowledge of different countries around the world, they should
develop knowledge of the religious, cultural, and historical influences that have shaped
each area of the world. In exploring the vast land of Russia, it is especially vital that
students develop an understanding of the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on
the history and culture of the Russian peoples.
Learning Activities:
Activities 1-3: These activities provide historical facts about Russian Orthodoxy and
require students to make comparisons with American history.
Readings 1-6: These documents give students an overview of the beliefs, practices,
and places of worship in the Russian Orthodox Church. Each reading is presented
with a set of comprehension and analysis questions.
Activities 4-7: These activities require students to research aspects of Russian culture
on their own and to connect culture to religion.
Map Activities: These maps provide students with visual representations of the
Russian lands and ask them to consider the influence of physical geography.
Readings 7-9: These readings help students to understand the current situation and
role of the Russian Orthodox Church both in Russia and abroad.
Summation Activity: This activity synthesizes the knowledge and predictions the
students have gained through the curriculum and asks them to speculate about the
complications and influence of history on the present situation in Russia.
----------------------------------------------- The Russian Orthodox Church ----------------------------------------
Activity 1: Timeline
Create a timeline of the important dates in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Important Dates in Russian Orthodox History
988 -
Kievan prince Vladimir I accepts Eastern Orthodoxy as the official religion of
Kievan Rus'
1169 -
City of Vladimir becomes the capital of the Rus' state
1271 -
Moscow becomes the capital of Vladimir-Suzdal, soon to become the Russian
- St. Sergius of Radonezh founds Holy Trinity Monastery
- Rublev creates the Old Testament Trinity icon
1448 -
First Russian-born Orthodox bishop, Jonas I
- Constantinople falls to the Turks
1462-1505 -
Reign of Ivan III (the Great). Declaration of Moscow as "the Third Rome"
- St. Basil's Cathedral is built in Moscow
1589 -
Russian Orthodox Church becomes independent of other Orthodox churches under
Metropolitan Job of Moscow
1613 -
Mikhail Romanov begins the tsarist dynasty which endures until 1917
1652-1658 -
Patriarch Nikon of Moscow revises the Russian liturgy, causing the Great
1689 -
Peter I (the Great) comes to power; builds St. Petersburg, which becomes the new
Russian capital
1861 -
Emancipation of the serfs
1905 -
First Russian Revolution which establishes a constitutional monarchy
1917 -
Bolshevik Revolution; Nicholas II abdicates the throne; establishment of the
atheistic Soviet Socialist state with the capital returned to Moscow
1936 -
Stalin's Great Purge
- Anniversary of Orthodoxy in Russia
1991 -
Fall of the Soviet Union; beginning of reestablishment of Russian Orthodox
- Reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Russian Orthodox Church
Outside Russia
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