MrRhexx's Monster Classes 4 [OEF][2023].pdf

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Play as a monster from 1st to 20th level, with thematic
class features, rollable tables, and immersive lore.
Featuring the Mind Lord, Eye Tyrant and Serpentfolk.
Lead Designer & Writer
Fermin Caballero
Editor | Additional Design & Writing
Gavin Wadsworth
Art Direction | Graphic Design
Dave H. Newkirk II
Cover Art
David Chen
Interior Art
Dominika Denes
First Printing: July 2023
Product ID: MC4 v1.0
©2023 MrRhexx Gaming. All Rights Reserved.
MrRhexx Games, Monster Classes 4 and design
are trademarks of Fermin Caballero.
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................3
Mind Lord ....................................4
Features......................................... 7
Extra Psionic Spells .................22
Psionic Disciplines ................... 11
Eye Tyrant ................................. 25
Serpentfolk ............................... 35
Ophidian Breeds ....................... 41
Eye Rays ......................................33
Craftable Poisons ......................44
o fantasy story is ever complete until the hero
slays the beast. From the dragon that lairs far
above the mountain, to the fiery demon that
slumbers deep below the earth. Monsters
allow us, the players, to have a villain to vanquish.
An obstacle to overcome. A thing to fear. But not all
monsters need to be the enemy.
From treants rising in the forest to fight the orcs
to the vampire that hunts those of its own kind,
any creature has the potential to become the main
character of a story.
Monster Classes offer you the ability to play as
monsters. Some, like the treant and the familiar
function as both your race and your class, while
others like the vampire function primarily as a class
but influence some of your racial features. Included
here is lore, character creation assistance, and all the
necessary features for you to level up your monster all
the way to 20th level.
Do not ever feel chained to the alignment or the lore
that these monsters possess. They are merely there
as guidance for you to understand where the monster
comes from, or how others may perceive it; but you are
the ultimate arbiter of how your character will behave.
You are free to use or discard any of it as you see fit.
Many of the monsters presented under Monster
Classes possess peculiar abilities that break apart
typical 5e class design. That is of course because they
are monsters! It wouldn’t have been right to design a
ghost without granting it the ability to move through
walls, or a familiar that can fight without the assistance
of its summoner. Many of the classes presented here
share the unique eccentricities of the creature from
which they are inspired. After all, you are here to
play the monster, not some pale imitation that lacks
the abilities which makes the former interesting in
the first place.
Lastly, be mindful that none of these Monster Classes
are balanced for multiclassing. Because they have been
designed often with peculiar features that break the
mold, there are certain combinations of monsters and
classes that have the potential to break the game, or
even weaken your character. However, if you do wish
to multiclass regardless, then know you may not gain
levels in any Monster Class unless you are that monster
and possess its accompanying racial traits.
Thank you so much for your endless support.
—Fermin Caballero (MrRhexx)
MInd Lord
ind lords, also known as ceremorphs, are
sinister beings that live in subterranean
networks of caverns and tunnels. These
malevolent, psychic creatures feast on the
brains of sentient beings and seek to dominate lesser
races through mind control and enslavement. With
their squid-like heads and disturbing, alien intelligence,
mind lords are a terrifying force to be reckoned with.
Aberrant origins
Mind lords are believed to have originated from another
plane, with some legends suggesting they once led a
powerful empire that spanned the cosmos. Over time,
their empire crumbled, leaving them stranded in the
deep and forgotten places of the universe, where they
adapted and thrived in the darkness. As a result, mind
lords are often found in remote and isolated regions,
working in secret to expand their influence and rebuild
their lost empire.
Mind lords have humanoid bodies, but their heads
resemble those of squids or octopuses, with many
tentacles surrounding a circular tooth-filled maw. Their
skin is typically mauve or purplish-blue, and is covered
in a slimy mucus. An adult mind lord stands between 6
and 7 feet tall, with a slender build. Their eyes are pale
white and devoid of pupils, and they possess incredible
psychic powers.
Enslaved Slavers
Mind lord society is built around the Prime Cerebrum,
a massive brain that holds the collective consciousness
of hundreds of thousands of deceased mind lords.
The Prime Cerebrum resides in a brine pool and
communicates telepathically with its ceremorph
subjects, guiding and controlling the community. Mind
lords are organized into colonies, with each individual
working towards the goals of the colony and the will of
the Prime Cerebrum that controls it.
CHAPTEr 1 | MInd Lord
Mind lords do not worship gods in the traditional
sense, instead revering the Prime Cerebrum as a
near-divine entity. Some colonies may pay homage
to deities of psionics, knowledge, or domination, but
the Prime Cerebrum remains the ultimate authority
in their society.
Slavers by nature, mind lords capture and enslave
other races to serve as thralls or food. They are
particularly interested in creatures with strong mental
abilities, as they provide a more satisfying meal
and are more easily controlled by the mind lord’s
psionic abilities.
unexpected Thrall
Mind lords typically perceive other beings as inferior,
frequently attempting to subjugate and coerce them
into servitude. However, on occasion, a mind lord may
encounter individuals who are either too valuable to
enslave or too formidable to dominate. The interactions
between a mind lord and these exceptional beings,
along with the surprising consequences that may arise,
can serve as an excellent foundation for constructing
your character’s backstory. You may use the following
examples as starting points.
d12 Unexpected Thrall
You once served as an advisor to a powerful ruler of a
distant land. Although your relationship ended poorly,
you still maintain contacts within their court.
Your colony was attacked and many of your kind were
taken prisoner. After a well coordinated escape, you
survived thanks to a fellow ceremorph. You two are
inseparable now.
In a rare act of mercy, you spared the life of a powerful
enemy. This decision has earned you an unexpected
ally and the enmity of your former colony.
You have a secret connection to a member of a rival
psionic race. This bond is a source of both strength
and danger.
You forged a tenuous alliance with a small settlement
of elves, trading your psionic abilities for their
resources and knowledge.
You are indebted to a dragon who saved your life. They
will call upon you one day to repay this debt.
You formed a mutually beneficial relationship with a
member of an organization dedicated to eradicating
aberrations, forcing you to hide your true nature
from them.
You have become a double agent, feeding information
to your former colony while also working with those
who seek to undermine its power.
You are a lone predator, preying on unsuspecting
travelers and small communities. You are known far
and wide as a mass murderer, with many who seek to
slay you.
You have established a hidden refuge for other
renegade ceremorphs, providing a safe haven for
those who seek to break free from the grip of their
Prime Cerebrum.
Your obsession with psionics has led you to
experiment with dangerous and forbidden techniques,
drawing the attention of a mysterious patron from
another dimension.
You are haunted by the memories of those whose
minds you have consumed. One memory in particular
feels stronger than the rest, driving you towards a
barmaid in a remote tavern.
Exiles of the Synapse
For a mind lord to defy its colony and the Prime
Cerebrum is an extraordinary and perilous act, as
they are creatures that thrive in the close-knit and
psionically linked society that the colony provides. The
decision to leave the colony is not made lightly, as it
means severing the psychic bond they share with their
kin, as well as the comforting presence of the Prime
Cerebrum. This connection—called the synapse—is
both a source of power and a means of communication,
and is integral to the ceremorph’s identity. Venturing
beyond the reach of the Prime Cerebrum is a terrifying
prospect for a mind lord, as they are left vulnerable and
isolated in an unforgiving world.
Creating a Mind Lord
It can be complicated to write a good backstory for a
mind lord, considering that they are very reclusive and
dislike leaving their colonies. Make sure to work closely
with your GM in order to figure out a good reason
as to why you are adventuring in the first place. The
following tables are designed to help you brainstorm
reasons for why you are traveling the world.
CHAPTEr 1 | MInd Lord
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