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The Prosopaedia
An Encyclopedia of the Deities of Runequest
The Prosopaedia
Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard,
Sandy Petersen & Katrin Dirim
Those who would reveal the secrets of this book:
May Humakt sever you from Life and Death
May Maran Gor blast and wither your genitals
May Babeester Gor remove your limbs
And may Arachne Solara devour your soul and discharge it into the Void.
Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard,
& Sandy Petersen
Katrin Dirim
Design & Layout
Simeon Cogswell
Line Editor
Jason Durall
Editing & Proofreading
Chris Harris & Jason Durall
Brian Holland
Additional Credits
Simon Bray, Nick Brooke, Rick Meints,
Steve Perrin & David Scott
This book is set in Garamond Premier Pro,
Atlantis Regular, Charcuterie Block, Calluna,
Cronos Pro & Trajan Pro.
First American Edition, 2023, Version 1.00
Published in the United States of America by Chaosium Inc.
3450 Wooddale Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Copyright © 2023 by Moon Design Publications LLC.
All rights reserved.
RuneQuest © copyright 1978–2023 by Moon Design
Publications LLC. All rights reserved.
Chaosium Inc. & the Chaosium logo are registered
trademarks of Chaosium Inc.
RuneQuest & Glorantha are registered trademarks of Moon
Design Publications LLC.
Reproduction of this work by any means without written
permission from the publisher, except for the use of short
excerpts for the purpose of reviews & the copying of character
sheets & handouts for in-game use, is expressly prohibited.
Chaosium Publication 4042-H
ISBN 978-1-56882-466-6
Printed & Bound in Poland
Introduction .............................................. 2
A ................................................................... 3
B ..................................................................13
C .................................................................20
D ................................................................. 25
E ................................................................. 32
F.................................................................. 38
H ................................................................ 52
I .................................................................. 61
K .................................................................68
L ................................................................. 74
M ................................................................80
O ............................................................... 90
P .................................................................97
Q ...............................................................101
R ................................................................101
T ................................................................ 117
U ................................................................125
V ................................................................127
W ...............................................................134
X ................................................................136
Y .................................................................137
Z ................................................................141
Index ....................................................... 144
This prosopaedia gives an overview of the many
different deities drawn from across the world of Glorantha.
It is believed to be based on a God Learner work of the Second
Age but has clearly been adapted and updated during the Hero
Wars period. Folklore attributes it to either Bastakos Forkbeard,
the Knowing Companion of Prince Argrath, or to Ethilrist,
although there is no evidence that either was the author.
Each entry first gives the most common spelling of
the deity’s name and for many, the Runes associated with
that deity, immediately followed by a commonly accepted
pronunciation of that name. Remember that people from
different lands pronounce these names somewhat differently.
The next line lists the pantheon(s) in which that deity is
most important and then the deity’s title or function within
that pantheon.
There may also be a line directing the reader to another
entry, which commonly provides a listing of other gods and
goddesses who are closely related to the deity, and whose stories
may provide additional pertinent information for the reader.
Following this information is a short paragraph which
further explains the deity’s position in the world, and which
often contains tidbits drawn from the deity’s mythology.
Also, the manner(s) in which the deity is portrayed or
illustrated to their worshipers is given in native form. Thus
is provided an image of each Doraddi deity as woven into
baskets or drawn into sand; of Malkioni figures as portrayed
in statues or reliefs; of troll deities as rendered in chewed-rock
carvings; and of most other deities as represented in temple
sculptures, reliefs, or frescoes. Merfolk are iconoclastic and
never create images of their deities. Some gods, especially
those of Chaos, receive little formal worship but may appear
as foes in the rituals of other religions. We give the forms
they take in such rituals. Occasionally, the source for a
deity’s form is other than the imagination of its normal
worshipers, and in these cases we have so stated. Also, a god’s
description may seem to be a symbol rather than an image,
such as in the case of the Basket of Aleshmara. We have not
tried to distinguish between the symbols and illustrations.
Fonritian depiction of Abdamedric
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