H-R-Red Assault Soviet Airborne Forces, 1930-1941.pdf

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In the 1930s, Red Army Command maintained what was often an offensive
doctrine. The plan was to fight a bloodless victory on foreign ground. An
offensive by the Worker’s and Peasant’s Red Army was to unfold as per the
classic Blitzkrieg – it was with good reason that some of the higher-ranking
commanders had studied at the German General Headquarters Academy.
Furthermore, all the technical achievements of the period were taken into
account. The assault would begin with air strikes from strategic aviation:
armadas of huge bombers would attack key targets deep inside enemy
territory. At the same time enormous numbers of airborne troops would be
dropped behind enemy lines, armed with a range of equipment. These
airborne troops would capture bridges, and roads, and take communications,
and transport links out of action. Heralded by a powerful artillery attack,
supported by tactical aviation the tanks, armoured vehicles, and trucks
carrying motorised infantry would advance.
There was a basis for such optimistic forecasts. Since the Soviets were in
possession of such a quantitative, and qualitative advantage (and this was
certainly the case) they were definitely able to advance. In the USSR
aviation was undergoing development ahead of schedule, as were armoured
tank technology, airborne assault troops, and chemical weapons. If the
Soviets had tanks, aircraft, and chemical weapons, albeit in small quantities,
any potential enemies would possess them too. The airborne assault troops
however were a distinctly Soviet innovation. In this respect it was the
Soviets that held an unquestionable advantage. It was here that the first
groups of airborne paratroopers were dropped, and the first tanks and guns
were dropped from the skies. The Red Army was conducting mass airborne
assault operations during the course of exercises when no other nation on
Earth had airborne assault troops.
In other fields Soviet military science and technology in many cases copied
existing Western achievements. Licenses were obtained, or examples of
foreign materiel were simply copied. As far as the airborne troops were
concerned the Soviet military, and the designers were in unchartered
territory, having come up with a number of innovative solutions, which were
later adopted by the armed forces of other nations.
In this book the armament, equipment, and military hardware developed for
airborne troops is described, both in terms of the actual technology, and the
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