Merchants of the Multiverse (2023).pdf

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Compa�½ble with all fantasy table-top role-playing games.
Published by Tim Zee
Written by Mariam Ahmad, Zaire Lanier, Dee Pennyway, Sara Thompson and Tim Zee.
Edited by Tim Zee.
Sensitivity Reading by Amr Ammourazz, Mary Hamilton and Sara Thompson.
Title and borders by Mini Boss Design.
Original Illustrations by Aaron Radney, Ashley Mackenzie, Elianne Melendez and Urszula Swiatek.
Additional art by Daniel Comerci, /
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission.
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Some artwork © 2021 Victoria Blackmore (OneDMtoAnother), used with permission. All rights
Playtesting by Hilary Jack, Andrew Kachinesky, Rehaana Manek, Amanda Suleiman, Scott Taylor,
Kate Willey and Matt Zeno.
Special thanks to Josh Boykin, Palmer Rubin and Heroes Without Limits.
This work was conceived and created on the land of the Anishinabewaki
Haudenosaunee, Mississaugas of the Credit and Wendake-Nionwentsïo. The publisher of this work
recognizes the historical and contemporary abuses suffered by these nations, at the hands of
Canada’s governments, and commits to creating work that is anti-colonial and anti-racist.
You may not use this supplement if you are a fascist or a bigot.
© 2023 Tim Zee | ISBN: 978-1-7775803-4-6
How To Use This Book
The Merchants
- Alderon’s Study
- All-Market
- Beeraal’s Blacksmithery
- Bend Don’t Break
- Cirian Tulsbane
- Duna’s Apotheka
- Fibersong’s Fabrics
- The Rabbit Hole
- Relique Enchanterie
- Rykki’s Curiosities
- Satoria Jato
- The Supple Lathe
- Ulthur’s Garden
As a player I’m always keen to explore
the lives and thoughts of every non-
player-character in my orbit. As a GM
I enjoy populating my maps with
NPCs for my players to interact with,
but it’s a lot of work. When I play, I
love to search out merchants; those
enterprising and interesting folks who
might have exactly what I need to
solve a riddle, slay a demon or just
look rad. Sadly, GM-me often leaves
merchants in the lurch, with my energy
going to NPCs who have other stories
to tell. After fleshing out those ‘main
characters’, fatigue often sets in. This
results in players, who love to shop,
being told something along the lines
of, “you buy a piton from the
merchant for one silver.” Snore.
Merchants of the Multiverse
is what
I need as both a GM and a player. This
NPC collection exists so that GMs can
spend their limited time on what they
consider their key characters, but also
have a wonderful and interesting cast
of merchants at their disposal. And
for players, these characters are
designed to give them ample potential
for interaction, friendship and, of
course, item acquisition.
This collection was crafted to be a
solution to my problem, but I hope it
can benefit all who come across it.
The merchants are crafted to be the
kind of characters I want in my
fantasy games. They are diverse,
unique and dynamic individuals, each
of whom reflects the fantastic artists
I’ve been lucky enough to engage on
this project. I hope you enjoy meeting
them as much as I did.
Happy gaming (and shopping).
- Tim Zee
© Dean Spencer
Merchants of the Multiverse
designed so that the non-player-
characters within these pages can be
deployed, comfortably, into any table-
top game that fits within the fantasy
genre. The NPCs are rich in personality
and devoid of mechanics.
To get the best use out of this book,
individual GMs are encouraged to read
through the short character descriptions
and then decide how the NPCs can be
harnessed within the system of the
game being played. The flavour text for
these characters includes direction on
what statistical attributes might fit with
a given character. That text also offers
hints regarding special quirks that could
be represented by the various moves,
feats or abilities that are available in
your system of choice.
It is advised that, before deploying any
of these characters in your game, you
have a fully fleshed out inventory of
what is available for purchase at these
various stores. On your item list, it is
wise to include prices and quantities.
Most systems include lists of
adventuring gear in their core materials.
Many popular systems also benefit from
a wide variety of third-party
supplements dedicated to items.
These resources are valuable tools for
stocking these NPCs’ shelves. These
characters are also ideal custodians for
any homebrewed creations.
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