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The Lenormand Cards and Interpretation
1. Rider/ Nine of Hearts
a. Activity
b. Energy
c. Enthusiasm
d. Messages
e. News
f. Passion
g. Speed
2. Clover/ Six of Diamonds
a. Being Untroubled
b. Bits of Happiness
c. Carefreeness
d. Humor
e. Luck
f. Opportunity
3. Ship/ Ten of Spades
a. Adventure
b. Distance
c. Farewell
d. Journey
e. Travel
4. House/ King of Hearts
a. Conservation
b. Establishment
c. Family
d. Home
e. Privacy
f. Safety
g. Tradition
5. Tree/ Seven of Hearts
a. Grounded
b. Growth
c. Health
d. Past connection
e. Spirituality
6. Clouds/ King of Clubs
a. Confusion
b. Doubt
c. Insecurity
d. Misunderstanding
e. Secret
7. Snake/ Queen of Clubs
a. Attraction
b. Betrayed
c. Desire
d. Forbidden Knowledge
e. Seduction
f. Sexuality
g. Wisdom
8. Coffin/ Nine of Diamonds
a. Dying
b. Ending
c. Funeral
d. Grief
e. Loss
f. Sadness
g. Transformation
9. Bouquet/ Queen of Spades
a. Amiability
b. Appreciation
c. Charismatic
d. Gift
e. Pleasantness
f. Politeness
g. Respect
h. Social Life
10. Scythe/ Jack of Diamonds
a. Accident
b. Danger
c. Definitive
d. Hasty Decision
e. Reckoning
f. Sudden
g. Warning
11. Whip/ Jack of Clubs
a. Argument
b. Conflict
c. Debate
d. Discipline
e. Discussion
f. Objection
g. Opposition
h. Scolding
12. Birds/ Seven of Diamonds
a. Anxious
b. Chattering
c. Communication
d. Excitement
e. Gossip
f. Nervousness
g. Relationship
13. Child/ Jack of Spades
a. Child
b. Immaturity
c. Inexperience
d. Innocence
e. Naiveness
f. New Beginnings
g. Playful
14. Fox/ Nine of Clubs
a. Caution
b. Claver
c. Cunning
d. Deceit
e. Self-Care
f. Selfishness
g. Suspicion
15. Bear/ Ten of Clubs
a. Boss
b. Dominance
c. Influence
d. Leadership
e. Power
f. Short temperedness
g. Strong
16. Stars/ Six of Hearts
a. Dreams
b. Hope
c. Inspiration
d. Optimism
e. Progress towards Goals
f. Spirituality
17. Stork/ Queen of Hearts
a. Change
b. Dynamic
c. Recurrence
d. Relocation
e. Transition
18. Dog/ Ten of Hearts
a. Follower
b. Friendship
c. Loyalty
d. Obedience
e. Pet
f. Support
19. Tower/ Six of Spades
a. Arrogance
b. Authority
c. Ego
d. Established
e. Isolation
f. Loneliness
20. Garden/ Eight of Spades
a. Community
b. Culture
c. Event
d. Fame
e. Performance
f. Public Affairs
g. Social Networks
h. Teamwork
21. Mountain/ Eight of Clubs
a. Challenge
b. Delay
c. Difficulties
d. Obstacles
e. Problems
f. Stubborn
g. Struggle
22. Crossroad/ Queen of Diamonds
a. Decisions
b. Hesitation
c. Indecisiveness
d. Multiple Opportunities
e. Multiple Options
f. Separation
g. Travel
23. Mice/ Seven of Clubs
a. Damage
b. Depletion
c. Disease
d. Loss
e. Stress
24. Heart/ Jack of Hearts
a. Care
b. Charity
c. Forgiveness
d. Gentleness
e. Kindness
f. Love
g. Reconciliation
h. Romance
25. Ring/ Ace of Clubs
a. Commitment
b. Cooperation
c. Cycles
d. Engagement
e. Marriage
f. Partnership
g. Promise
26. Book/ Ten of Diamonds
a. Education
b. Information
c. Knowledge
d. Research
e. Secrets
27. Letter/ Seven of Spades
a. Communication
b. Conversations
c. Document
d. Expression
e. Information
28. Man/ Ace of Hearts
a. If the Querent identifies as Male - The querent himself
b. Male in Querent’s Life (Friend, Family, Colleague, Partner)
c. Masculinity
29. Woman/ Ace of Spades
a. If the Querent identifies as Female - The querent herself
b. Female in Querent’s Life (Friend, Family, Colleague, Partner),
c. Femininity
30. Lily/ King of Spades
a. Ethics
b. Morality
c. Peace
d. Retirement
e. Sensuality
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