0820_The Surrender Experiment_ My Journey into Life's Perfection.pdf

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To the Masters
Title Page
Section I
Waking Up
The Premise
1. Not with a Shout—But with a Whisper
2. Getting to Know Me
3. The Pillars of Zen
4. Absolute Silence
5. From Absolute Peace to Absolute Turmoil
6. South of the Border
7. Disconnecting the Panic Button
8. Unexpected Inspiration
9. The Promised Land
10. Building a Sacred Hut
11. Get Thee to a Monastery
12. When the Disciple Is Ready, the Master Appears
Section II
The Great Experiment Begins
13. The Experiment of a Lifetime
14. Life Takes Charge
15. The Prince and the Pauper
16. Following the Invisible into the Unknown
17. My First Job Interview
18. Letting Go of the Rope
19. Acceptance, Acceptance, and More Acceptance
20. The Most Important Thing I Was Ever Asked to Do
Section III
From Solitude to Service
21. The Call of a Living Master
22. Shaktipat
23. Gainesville Hosts a Guru
24. The Temple Is Built
25. Opening the Heart Chakra
26. Get Thee to an Ashram
Section IV
The Business of Surrender
27. A Company Is Born
28. The Master Builder
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