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BBC English 2000

Lekcja 017 PAPARAZZI

The paparazzi sell photos of the rich and famous to the popular press. The tabloids are prepared to pay a fortune for these photos - hundreds of thousands of pounds! And paparazzi can make a fortune on those pictures.

We've been talking about the paparazzi and the privacy laws. The paparazzi sell photos of the rich and famous to the popular press. The tabloids are prepared to pay a fortune for these photos. They thrive on scandal. But for the celebrities these photos are an invasion of privacy, and some countries are ready to introduce privacy laws to protect them.



paparazzi               fotoreporterzy goniący za sensacją

the rich and famous               ludzie bogaci i sławni

photos, pictures               zdjęcia

popular press               prasa popularna

tabloids               brukowce

to make a fortune               zbić fortunę, zrobić majątek

to pay a fortune               zapłacić fortunę, majątek

candid               szczery, tu: niedyskretny, nazbyt wiele ujawniający

to thrive               kwitnąć, rozwijać się, prosperować

invasion of privacy               naruszenie prywatności

to introduce privacy laws               wprowadzić ustawodawstwo chroniące prawa do prywatności




Today we've been talking about cowboys. Not cowboys and Red Indians - but cowboy workmen. Cowboy builders, cowboy plumbers, cowboy electricians and decorators - who do bad work and charge a lot of money for it. In fact - they rip you off. Lots of people have been robbed by cowboy workmen, which means that they've been overcharged and cheated. And sometimes these cowboys 'accidentally' knock down a listed or protected building - so they can rebuild it later.



cowboy workmen               fuszerzy, partacze

to do a bad job, to do bad work               knocić coś, partaczyć

to rip off               zdzierać

builder               budowlany

plumber               hydraulik

electrician               elektryk

decorator               malarz, tapeciarz

to charge               liczyć, pobierać opłatę

to charge a lot of money               zdzierać, pobierać wysoką opłatę

to rob               obrabować, tu: naciągnąć, złupić z kogoś skórę

to overcharge               żądać wygórowanej zapłaty

to cheat               oszukiwać

accidentally               przypadkowo

to knock down               zburzyć

listed building               budynek chroniony











Buy, buy, buy. Consume, consume, consume. Buy one, get one free. Buy two for the price of one. Buy three for the price of two. We are living in the age of the consumer society.

The consumer society has encroached on all our sacred institutions. Christmas has become a shopping craze, a consumer's paradise. It's become an opportunity to merchandise new products.

Products or souvenirs are specially made to promote films, clubs and exhibitions. Books, videos, and T-shirts are all elements of modern merchandising.

A watch-dog - no, it's not a dog, really. It's a person or an organization, whose job is to protect consumers' rights. Watchdog organizations protect the consumer against poor quality products.



consumer society               społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne

to encroach               wedrzeć się, wtargnąć

sacred               uświęcone

shopping craze               szał kupowania

consumer's paradise               raj konsumenta

to merchandise               reklamować, lansować, promować

souvenirs               upominki

to promote               promować

watchdog               jednostka nadzorcza, tu: broniąca praw konsumentów

consumers' rights               prawa konsumentów

poor quality product               towar złej jakości




Now we can choose the way we pay. How about cash? Yes, some of us still pay in cash. Nothing in your pocket? Just pay by cheque or go to the nearest cash point. Or better still, spend now, pay later. Use a credit card! A charge card or a store card! The credit card company foots the bill, and you pay later - often with interest. So if you don't want to pay interest - use a debit card. (The money is debited automatically from your account).



to choose the way we pay               wybrać sposób płacenia

cash               gotówka

to pay (in) cash               płacić gotówką

to pay by cheque               płacić czekiem

cash point               bankomat

to withdraw money               wyjąć pieniądze (z konta)

to spend               wydawać

to pay               płacić

credit card               karta kredytowa

charge card, store card               karta płatnicza, karta stałego klienta

to foot the bill               zapłacić rachunek

interest               oprocentowanie

debit card               karta debetowa

to debit               odciągać sumę, obciążyć kwotą, debetować

account               konto, rachunek



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