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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English


In the past computers were as big as a room. Today you can put them in your lap, if you have a laptop, that is.

A PC - your personal computer, and your personal friend.

For some children working on a PC is like using a pen and paper. They have grown up with the computer. They can now study and do their homework with the help of a PC and the Internet. There's no need for books - just log on to the Internet and access the libraries of the world!

But some people can spend hours and hours a day surfing the net. It's a new leisure activity, but also a new addiction. A special website has been set up to help children and adults who can't stop surfing the net. So - beware of the WWW!



lap               podołek, tu: kolana

laptop               komputer przenośny

PC - Personal Computer               komputer osobisty

to log on               wlogować się

to access               wejść do, mieć dostęp do

surfing the net               serfować po internecie

leisure activity               sposób spędzania wolnego czasu

addiction               nałóg

website               strona internetowa

WWW - World Wide Web               komputerowa sieć internetu



There's a report on the psychological effects of surfing the Internet. These effects are: depression and loneliness. The report suggests that an interactive medium, like the computer, is no more healthy than the more passive medium - the idiot box. At least people watch television with somebody. But if you're surfing the net, you spend less time with your friends and family.

It was perhaps the ultimate experiment in modern living. Could four very different people meet all their needs for food, clothing and entertainment just by shopping on the Internet? Their only contact with the outside world was via the Internet. They all emerged from their one hundred hours of solitude fit and well, clutching the items they had successfully purchased electronically.


lonely surfer               samotny internauta

psychological effects               skutki psychologiczne

surfing the net               serfowanie po internecie

depression               depresja

loneliness               samotność

interactive               interaktywny, podlegający wspólnemu oddziaływaniu

passive               bierny, pasywny

the idiot box               (pogardliwie) telewizor

ultimate               szczytowy, krańcowy

modern living               współczesny styl życia

to meet the needs               zaspokajać potrzeby

clothing               ubranie, odzież

entertainment               rozrywka

to emerge               wyłonić się

solitude               samotność

fit and well               cali i zdrowi, w dobrej kondycji

to clutch               trzymać kurczowo

to purchase               zakupić









The Internet is the world's largest computer network. It uses the telephone system to link together hundreds of millions of computers all over the world.

If you've been asleep for the past five years, one of the things that may be puzzling you today is all this talk about the Internet, e-mail and the world wide web. Suddenly, all important companies have web sites and use e-mail for much of their daily communication. These technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses work, just as telephones and computers have in the past.

You can shop around on the Internet. Soon you'll be able to compare many more prices than ever before and discover the best price for every product much more easily.

You can shop around on the Internet, that's great. But, who do you complain to, if you're cheated by a company on the other side of the world? And how can you be sure that the products you find on the net are legal in your own country?



computer network               sieć komputerowa

to link               łączyć

to puzzle               dziwić, intrygować

e-mail               poczta elektroniczna

to revolutionize               rewolucjonizować

to shop around               szukać okazji, najniższej ceny

to compare prices               porównywać ceny

to complain               składać skargę, reklamację, narzekać

to be cheated               być oszukanym



Lekcja 012 ROBOTS

Robots are already replacing us.

They take over mundane human jobs in car factories... assembling parts... and in Hollywood, too!

Yes, some of the most advanced robots in the world today are employed in Hollywood to provide special effects in movies such as the Star Wars.

When we think about future employment we often imagine that machines will take over human jobs in factories and other places where the work seems to be mainly physical. But, in fact, it may be doctors, lawyers and accountants who should be most worried.

Apparently, it's more difficult for machines to deal with the physical world of space and colour than with systematic knowledge - the type of knowledge that earns doctors and lawyers big salaries today. Robots can't think for themselves yet, but computers are increasingly good at reproducing the knowledge of experts....

What about lawyers - are they human beings? Well, anyway, it's more likely that your doctor or lawyer will be a computer programme in future than that a robot will turn up to fix the leaking tap in your bathroom. Remember - robots can't deal with the physical world of space and colour, bathrooms and leaking taps....



robots               roboty

mundane               przyziemny, prozaiczny

to assemble               składać, montować

advanced               zaawansowany, nowoczesny

to employ               zatrudniać

employment               zatrudnienie

to take over               przejąć

lawyer               prawnik

accountant               dyplomowany księgowy

to deal with               uporać się z

space               przestrzeń

to earn               zarabiać

salary               pensja, uposażenie

to turn up               pojawić się

to fix               zreperować

leaking tap               cieknący kurek




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