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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English 2000


Yes, it's true, ladies and gentlemen. Sometimes politicians make mistakes and sometimes they say the wrong thing. Sometimes they even lie. But don't worry, because they have an expert who helps them. They have their own spin doctor.

He will put a favourable spin - or interpretation - on events. He will patch up, mend or even falsify things for politicians who are in trouble.

Politicians should be careful what they say and do. They should speak and behave in a correct way. They should be politically correct.

'Politically correct' in the 1980's had a positive connotation, but in the nineties it is almost pejorative.



spin doctors               eksperci od działań marketingowych na rzecz rządu

spin               tu: pochlebna interpretacja

to make mistakes               robić błędy

to say the wrong thing               powiedzieć coś niestosownego, palnąć gafę

to lie               kłamać

party politics               polityka partyjna

to put a favourable spin on events               korzystnie interpretować wydarzenia

to patch up               załatać

to mend               naprawić

to falsify               sfałszować

public image               publiczny imaż, wizerunek, percepcja

politically correct               politycznie poprawny


Lekcja 034 FILMS... OR... MOVIES

We've been talking about films - or - movies. About low-budget movies, which are cheap to make. And about box-office blockbusters, which make a lot of money.

Oh, yes. We've been talking about the storyline. Films with a simple storyline or a complicated plot. And about the soundtrack. I like the soundtrack from "Titanic", don't you?

He (Leonardo di Caprio) had the leading role, didn't he? But I liked the leading actress. Neither of them got an Oscar, although Kate Winslet was nominated for one, I think. But the film itself got lots of Oscars. This is usually the case - the Oscars go to the film which has been a success at the box office.



film, movie, picture               film

low-budget movie               tani film, niskobudżetowy

box-office               kasa

box-office blockbuster               film kasowy, 'hit'

storyline, plot               fabuła

soundtrack               ścieżka dźwiękowa

leading actor               główny aktor

to be nominated for an Oscar               otrzymać nominację do Oscara

award               nagroda

co-star, supporting actor               rola drugoplanowa, aktor drugoplanowy


Lekcja 035 THE MOVIE MAP

A new movie map is now available in England. The free guide is being handed out to foreign visitors - location seekers who want to see where the famous movies were actually shot. What is on the movie map? A total of a 120 film locations.

Yes, film tourism is growing - it's estimated that 20% of overseas visitors to London come here because they have seen it in the movies.

'Shakespeare in Love' wasn't actually shot in the Globe Theatre. It was a recreation of the Rose Theatre. The Rose Theatre did actually exist in that time. Many people do think that the film was shot in the Globe Theatre, because it's very similar to the theatre in the film - which was, actually, a recreation of the Rose Theatre.



movie map               filmowa mapa

to be available               być dostępnym, osiągalnym

free guide               bezpłatny przewodnik

to hand out               rozdawać

foreign tourists               zagraniczni turyści

to seek               szukać, poszukiwać

location seekers               poszukiwacze filmowych wnętrz i plenerów

actually               de facto, istotnie, rzeczywiście

to shoot a film               kręcić film

overseas visitors               zagraniczni turyści


Lekcja 036 MEGASTARS

We've been talking about very famous people. Not the stars, not even the superstars - the megastars.

How do megastars become so famous? Promotion, of course. All this media hype - headlines, interviews, reports and programmes.

To become a megastar you must have that special something - global appeal. But it's hard work, if you have global appeal. You have to go on all those tiring world wide tours.



famous               sławny

starlet               gwiazdka

star               gwiazda

superstar               supergwiazda

megastar               megagwiazda

promotion               promocja, lansowanie, robienie reklamy

media hype               szum, rozgłos, histeria w mediach

headlines               nagłówki

interviews               wywiady

reports               doniesienia, relacje

appeal               urok, powab, czar

world wide tours               światowe tournee



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