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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English 2000

Lekcja 081 - A MODERN WOMAN

According to an official survey a modern woman may be better educated, have a better job, earn more money than before, but she's still paid less than a man. She's more likely to work part-time. Why? Because she's got a family to look after. She looks after the house, she looks after the children, she cooks, she cleans... and she washes the socks!

According to the survey, men still do nothing in the house - although they may change a light bulb occasionally or make a salad dressing!



modern woman               nowoczesna kobieta

to work part-time               pracować na pół etatu

to look after               zajmować się, opiekować

socks               skarpetki

light bulb               żarówka

salad dressing               przyprawa do sałatki, sos



We've been talking about smacking and corporal punishment. Corporal punishment has been outlawed in most European countries. In Britain it's been banned in schools since July 1998. At home, you can still smack your children as often as you like - as long as you don't use an implement, such as a stick, a cane, a belt - or even a slipper. However, some campaigners want to ban smacking too, saying that all forms of corporal punishment are degrading and may lead to violent attitudes later on in life.



corporal punishment               kary cielesne

to outlaw               zdelegalizować

to ban               zakazać

to smack               dać klapsa, lekko uderzyć

implement               narzędzie

stick               kij

cane               rózga

belt               pasek

slipper               kapeć, pantofel

campaigners               osoby prowadzące kampanię

degrading               poniżający

violent               agresywny

attitude               postawa


Lekcja 083 - TEENAGERS

We've been talking about an end of the century survey on teenagers' attitudes in Britain today. We've learned that most teenagers want to own their own businesses and that forty-three per cent think that becoming a millionaire by the age of thirty-five is a career goal.

They don't respect politicians, but do respect policemen, doctors and teachers. They also want censorship of sex and violence on television and in films to continue. And they believe in happy families, which is a surprise when you think how many people get divorced these days.



an end of the century survey               badania/ankieta przeprowadzona pod koniec stulecia

teenagers               nastolatki

goal               cel

censorship               cenzura

to get divorced               rozwieść się



A mobile phone. A lot of people have them, but do they really need them? Some people need them, but some just like to be seen using one. For some people a mobile phone just looks good, it's fashionable, and it gives them street cred.

If you have street cred, it means that people of your age, usually young people, approve of you and accept you. It's about gaining acceptability - you share their views, their sense of fashion. It's peer pressure, too. You've got to be careful what you wear. Trainers are a good idea. But make sure your trainers are a well-known and fashionable make. Make sure you wear a designer label. You've got to be cool - if you want to have street cred!

We've been talking about street cred. To have street credibility, first buy a mobile phone. Then don't forget to wear trainers, but make sure they have a designer label. Try and wear designer clothes. It's so cool!



mobile phone               telefon komórkowy

fashionable               modny

to have street cred(ibility)               być akceptowanym przez rówieśników i podziwianym jako osoba 'cool'; szpanować i imponować

to gain acceptability               uzyskać akceptację

to share their views               podzielać ich poglądy

sense of fashion               styl ubrania

peer pressure               naciski grupy rówieśniczej

trainers               adidasy

make               marka, firma

designer label               znak firmowy projektanta mody

cool               odlotowy, czadowy, wyluzowany, super - słowem: 'cool'

designer clothes               odzież znanej firmy



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