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SYLVIA              Hello, Edith. Have you come back for another pomegranate?

EDITH              Yes. I have. dear.

SYLVIA              Here you are!

EDITH              My husband told me to tell you that it was the most delicious fruit he's ever tasted.

SYLVIA               I thought he'd like it. Tell him to try it with a bit of ice cream. It's lovely like that.

EDITH              I'll do that, dear. Bye now.

GINA              Bye... Hey. Sylvia.

SYLVIA              Morning, Gina! Lovely day, eh?

GINA              Lovely day? Oh, Sylvia. I don't think it is, I'm afraid.

SYLVIA              What do you mean?

GARY              Morning, girls.

SYLVIA              Morning, Gary. What do you mean, Gina?

GINA               Well, you know the cinema, at the bottom ofBryant Street?

SYLVIA              Of course I know it. I've had a few good times there, I can tell you.

GINA               Well, you won't be having any more.

SYLVIA               Eh?

GINA               A property developer's bought it. He's planning to knock it down...

SYLVIA              No?!

GINA               Yes. And he's going to put up a brand new supermarket. A huge one, you know, with a carpark and everything.

SYLVIA               You must be joking. A supermarket? But... but that'll kill Bryant Street. They can't do that, we've got to make a living.

GINA               Yes. I know.

SYLVIA               Isn't there something we can do?

GINA              Well. Yes, there is. As I understand it, no firm decision's been taken yet. There's a council meeting about it next Tuesday.

SYLVIA               How do you know all this?

GINA              I work on the local newspaper. Didn't you know?

SYLVIA               No, I had no idea. Do you really?

GINA               I tell you what. Will you have a word with the other stallholders? Get them all to come to a meeting at... what shall we say? At the Rose and Crown at six o'clock?

SYLVIA               Great idea.

GINA              Now, we need a plan of action.

SUE              So, you 're meeting up with Matt this evening then?

TIM              Yes. He asked me to go to the theatre with him so er he asked me to meet him outside the theatre at half-past- seven tonoght and....

SUE               Great. Which theatre's that?

TIM               Up at the Phoenix. Sadlers Wells.

SUE               Oh lovely. So you 're going to see dance?

TIM              Yes. There's a new dance programme - Bill T. Jones.

SUE               Lovely.

TIM               Very exciting, yeah.

SUE               I bet you 're looking forward to that.

TIM              Yes, I am. Yeah.


delicious               smaczny, pyszny, smakowity

to taste               skosztować, próbować

ice cream               lody

cinema               kino

at the bottom               w dole, na dole; tu: na końcu

property developer               inwestor budowlany, developer

to knock sth down               burzyć coś.

to put up               tu: wybudować

brand new               całkiem nowy, nowiuteńki

you must be joking               chyba żartujesz

firm               zdecydowany; tu: ostateczny

council meeting               tu: zebranie władz lokalnych (rady miejskiej)

stallholder               właściciel stoiska

get them to come               namów, nakłoń ich do przyjścia

to meet sb or to meet up with sb               spotkać się z kimś

to bet (bet, bet or betted, betted)               zakładać się (że)

to look forward to sth               cieszyć się na coś, oczekiwać z radością.


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