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Lekcja 1,2,3

BBC English                            Market















Lekcja 1,2,3

Treść lekcji:

GINA              Hi..I'm Gina..Gina Slater ..I live in London..although I wasn't born here..I'm from New York. But I like this city.... I walk through this street market nearly every day on my way to work. There are hundreds of markets like this in London... of course, they're not exactly clean or modern, but I really like them. You know, the stalls, the people, the colour, the noise...

MAN              Mind your backs!

GINA              Oh, sorry, sorry. You can buy all sorts of things here - fruit and vegetables, cheese, clothes, fish and flowers... and there's always something happening, always something new. For example, today is the first day for a new fruit and vegetable stall.
Hello... Excuse me...
Sylvia Oh, hello... You're my first customer...

GINA              I beg your pardon?

SYLVIA              I said you're my first customer... What can I do for you?

GINA              Can you tell me how much your apples are?

SYLVIA              Two pounds a kilo.

GINA              What about your strawberries? Where do they come from?

SYLVIA              They're Spanish.

GINA              Can I try one?

SYLVIA              Well... yes... I suppose you can.

GINA              Mmm. They're not bad. How much are they?

SYLVIA              Three pounds a kilo.

GINA              Oh. All right. Can I have half a kilo, please?

SYLVIA              Coming up.

KATE              Excuse me......

ASSISTANT              Hello.

KATE              Hi. Can you tell me how much the black pepper is?

ASSISTANT              Yep. It's 65p for 50 grammes.

KATE              For 50 grammes.

ASSISTANT              And double for one twenty.

KATE              Right. Can I have 50 grammes, please.

ASSISTANT              I'll just weigh that out for you...

KATE              Thanks.

ASSISTANT              That's it, then.

KATE              Thank you.

ASSISTANT              Shall I pop it into a bag for you?

KATE              Oh yes, please.

ASSISTANT              That's great ...... so that's 65p, then.

KATE              Thanks a lot.

ASSISTANT              Thanks.... and 35p change.

KATE              Thank you ..... bye.

ASSISTANT              Bye.



market              targ, bazar, rynek

stall              stragan, stoisko

fruit and vegetable stall              stoisko owocowo-warzywne

mind your backs!              uwaga! ostrożnie!

customer              klient

I'm sorry              przepraszam (za coś)

excuse me              przepraszam (jako sposób przyciągnięcia czyjejś uwagi)

I beg your pardon              przepraszam (nie dosłyszałem), słucham?

what can I do for you?              czym mogę służyć? (zwrot grzecznościowy wobec klienta)

how much are they?              ile kosztują?

coming up              tu: zaraz, momencik, już podaję

double              tu: podwójna ilość

to weigh out              zważyć

to pop sth into              włożyć, wrzucić

change              reszta







Lekcja 4,5,6

Treść lekcji:

GARY              Get your lovely cauliflowers here. I'm not asking one pound a cauli, I'm not asking fifty p a cauli. Now girls, when you spend more than five pounds at this stall, I'll give you a cauliflower for nothing. Absoutely free.

GINA              Excuse me! Excuse me!

GARY              Hello there, love. What can I do for you?

GINA              I just wanted to ask you about your strawberries.

GARY              Gorgeous strawberries, darling. Fresh in today

GINA              Where do they come from?

GARY              These? These are Spanish, I think.

GINA              And how much are they?

GARY              Well, like it says there, darling, two pounds a kilo.

GINA              I know, but that's very cheap.

GARY              Well, that's competition for you.

GINA              But, I mean they're really, really cheap. How do you make a profit on them at that price?

GARY              Well, what I figure is, there's no way both me and that new woman can make a decent living in this market, so one of us is going to have to go. It's nothing personal. This market's just not big enough for both of us. Do you know what I mean? Now, what can I get you?

GINA              Nothing, thank you. It's All right.

JO              Mum... Can I have some more felt-tips, please?

MUM              More felt-tips? What happened to the last packet I bought you, Jo?

JO              But if you buy two packets, they'll give you another packet free.

MUM              Free..there's no such thing as free felt-tips, Jo.



to spend (spent, spent)              wydawać (pieniądze)

to give free, for nothing              dawać za darmo, rozdawać

love, darling              tu: kochana, kochanie (serdeczny sposób zwracania się do drugiej osoby, znanej lub nieznanej)

gorgeous              piękny, cudowny

fresh              świeży

cheap              tani

competition              konkurencja, rywalizacja

to make a profit on sth              mieć z czegoś zyski, dochody; zarabiać na czymś

price              cena

to make a decent living              nieźle zarabiać na życie

to mean (meant, meant)              mniemać, sądzić

mieć coś na myśli              felt-tip -flamaster


Lekcja 7,8,9

Treść lekcji:

SYLVIA              All right, an end of the day special. Ladies and gentlemen. Strawberries two pounds twenty a kilo only. These prices are hard to beat, aren't they? Potatoes only a pound a kilo. Cucumbers fifty five p each.

GARY              Hello, darling, end of your first day, eh?

SYLVIA              Oh, hello.

GARY              I'm your competitor, darling. I've got the fruit and veg stall just down the street.

SYLVIA              Yes. I know who you are.

GARY              Still got plenty of stuff left, then, have you?

SYLVIA              Well, it's not been a bad day.

GARY              Of course not, darling. It takes a bit of time to get started though, doesn't it? There's a lot to learn. Ooh, a lot to learn. See you later, darling.

SYLVIA              Grrrr.

GARY              All right girls, this is an end of the day special. For your strawberries, lovely strawberries, fresh in this morning, you can't do better than to come to your old friend Gary.I'm not asking two pound twenty a kilo, I'm not asking two pound a kilo...

SYLVIA              I don't know how he does it, I really don't.

SUSAN              Hey, look at that coat... it's beautiful, isn't it?

DAVID              Oh, do you think it is? Quite expensive, isn't it?

SUSAN              It's not too bad. What, Ł99 - that's quite good for a coat, isn't it?

DAVID              Sounds quite a lot to me.



day special                            oferta dnia

hard to beat              trudny do pobicia, przebicia, pokonania (np.: rekord, oferta, cena)

stuff                            towary, rzeczy

to give away              rozdawać (za darmo)

expensive                            drogi, kosztowny


Lekcja 10,11,12

Treść lekcji:

SYLVIA              Hello... hello... yes, can I speak to Miles, please?... Yes, sure....
Hello, Miles?... Oh, I'm sorry.... No. I'd like to speak to Miles Davison. Yes, okay... Hello, Miles?... He's gone home? Right, well... can I leave a message? Yes, can you tell him that Sylvia called about her order for tomorrow? The fruit and vegetable order. Not good news, I'm afraid. Right, thanks. Bye.

GINA              Hi, everything all right?

SYLVIA              Hello again. Have you had a nice day?

GINA              Fine, thanks, yes. I'm just on my way home.

SYLVIA              Oh, right.

GINA              Are you sure you're all right?

SYLVIA              Oh, yes. It's just... well, I was just on the phone trying to cancel my fruit and vegetable order for tomorrow. Yes, I can see that running a stall is not going to be as easy as I thought, especially with people like my friend Gary around.

GINA              All right, girls?

GARY              Oh. That's my mobile... Hello.... Oh great. Magic. So, Florida, is it? Beautiful. That's it, seven nights, sea view. Smashing. Now, what can you do about the price?... Come on, darling, I know you can do better than that... Have a chat with the boss, darling... Yeah, tell him it's Gary, give me a ring back.

GINA              Are you going away, Gary?

GARY              That's right, darling. Thought I deserved it. What do you say?

GINA              Are I'm sure you do.

GARY              I'm off on Sunday, as it happens. A week in Florida. Have you ever been there? Beautiful it is.

SYLVIA              And what's happening to your stall then?

GARY              Oh, don't you worry, darling. Gary's fruit and veg stall never closes. My cousin Lemmy's going to mind it for me for the week. You'll like him, you will. He makes me look like a pussy cat.

ISABEL              Oh. Hello. Can I speak to Dave, please?
Oh. Can I leave a message? Can you say,
Isabel rang and could he call me back. Thank you, bye.



can I speak to..?
I'd like to speak to..              czy mogę/chciałabym rozmawiać z...

can I leave a message?              czy mogłabym zostawić wiadomość?

he's gone home              poszedł do domu

order              zamówienie, zlecenie

I'm on my way home              idę do domu, jestem w drodze do domu

to be on the phone              być "na telefonie", rozmawiać przez telefon


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