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Treść lekcji:

SYLVIA              All right, an end of the day special. Ladies and gentlemen. Strawberries two pounds twenty a kilo only. These prices are hard to beat, aren't they? Potatoes only a pound a kilo. Cucumbers fifty five p each.

GARY              Hello, darling, end of your first day, eh?

SYLVIA              Oh, hello.

GARY              I'm your competitor, darling. I've got the fruit and veg stall just down the street.

SYLVIA              Yes. I know who you are.

GARY              Still got plenty of stuff left, then, have you?

SYLVIA              Well, it's not been a bad day.

GARY              Of course not, darling. It takes a bit of time to get started though, doesn't it? There's a lot to learn. Ooh, a lot to learn. See you later, darling.

SYLVIA              Grrrr.

GARY              All right girls, this is an end of the day special. For your strawberries, lovely strawberries, fresh in this morning, you can't do better than to come to your old friend Gary.I'm not asking two pound twenty a kilo, I'm not asking two pound a kilo...

SYLVIA              I don't know how he does it, I really don't.

SUSAN              Hey, look at that coat... it's beautiful, isn't it?

DAVID              Oh, do you think it is? Quite expensive, isn't it?

SUSAN              It's not too bad. What, Ł99 - that's quite good for a coat, isn't it?

DAVID              Sounds quite a lot to me.




day special                            oferta dnia

hard to beat              trudny do pobicia, przebicia, pokonania (np.: rekord, oferta, cena)

stuff                            towary, rzeczy

to give away              rozdawać (za darmo)

expensive                            drogi, kosztowny


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