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Lekcja 46,47,48

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GINA              There we are, Sylvia. A couple of nice gin and. tonics. Large ones.

SYLVIA              Thanks.

GINA              You All right?

SYLVIA              How would you feel?

GINA              I know. I know.

SYLVIA              If only we'd heard about the plans a bit earlier, I'm sure we could have done something about it. I'm sure we could have stopped him.

GINA              You're right. I could have organised a proper campaign in the paper.

SYLVIA              If we'd just had a bit more time, we'd have collected loads more signatures. I know we would. People didn't get a chance to find out what was happening, that's all.

GINA              Well, we did our best. If those leaflets had had the right date on them, at least we'd have had a few more people at the council meeting.

SYLVIA              If only we hadn't let Gary get them printed...

GINA               Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk, eh?

SYLVIA              I suppose you're right.

GINA               I still have my doubts about Mr Gary Smart, though. What do you think he's up to?

SYLVIA               Well, we maybe about to find out. That's him over there, isn't it?

GINA               Yes. Yes, it is. And look who's with him.

SYLVIA               Who?

GINA               That is our friend the supermarket developer. Kaz Janson.

SYLVIA              No!

GINA               Let's go and see if we can hear what they're saying.

GARY              Well, cheers. Mr Janson. Here's to the new supermarket. Congratulations.

KAZ               Thank you, Gary, thank you. And here's a token of my appreciation for everything that you've done.

GARY               Oh, thank you. Very nice.



to feel (felt, felt)               czuć (się)

we could have done something about it               moglibyśmy byli coś w tej sprawie zrobić

proper               właściwy, odpowiedni

loads more               o wiele więcej

to flod out (found, found)               dowiedzieć się

to happen               wydarzać się, dziać się

we did our best               zrobiliśmy co w naszej mocy

no use crying over spilt milk               co się stało, to się nie odstanie; nie ma sensu tego żałować

doubts               wątpliwość

to be about to do sth               zamierzać coś zrobić w danej chwili

cheers               tu: na zdrowie

token of my appreciation               (coś w) dowód mojego uznania


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