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GARY              Mind your backs! Mind out the way, mate. I've got a full tray of drinks here.

DAVE              Sorry, Gary.

GINA              Oooh, Sylvia, look, here comes the big man with the little business empire.

GARY              All right, girls?

SYLVIA              Hey, can I have a pay rise, Gary?

GARY              Yeah. sorry about all that girls. You didn't mind. did you?

SYLVIA              You 've got a cheek.

GARY              Yeah, but the thing is that my Victoria is not your ordinary kind of girl. I've got to impress her a bit, do you know what I mean?

GINA              Oh, tell us about it, Gary.

GARY              You see, she's been very well brought up. Private education. Her Dad's even got a race horse, as it happens.

SYLVIA              Well, if you don't mind me saying, I can't see her staying with you for long.

GARY              Oh, I dunno. Gary Smart's got a lot to offer a young lady like her. As a matter of fact I'm taking her on holiday to Florida next month.

SYLVIA              Florida? Again? You had a holiday there quite recently, didn't you? I don't know how you can afford it.

GARY              Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. Saucy Dancer - that's the name of the horse that Yield's Dad owns. Now. Saucy Dancer is racing at Lingfield Park tomorrow afternoon and I happen to know that it's a definite winner. Inside information, see? I'm putting my week's takings on it.

GINA              You 're going to bet your whole week's money on a horse?

GARY              Yeah. Should pay for quite a few holidays in Florida, that should.

GINA              Gary, you 're out of your mind.

GARY              You might like to have a little bet yourself. Saucy Dancer, Lingfield Park, 3.00. Can't lose. Now don't say I don't look after you.

SUE              Can I help you with that?

JONATHAN              Ooh - mind out, that's hot.

SUE               Oh sorry. It's not fair this at all - you 're doing the cooking. You don't mind, do you?

JONATHAN               I don't mind in the slightest.. I enjoy cooking actually.

SUE               Why? I can't imagine why.

JONATHAN              It makes me feel creative


mind out the way               uważaj jak idziesz

tray               taca

pay rise               podwyżka

to mind               tu: mieć coś przeciwko (czemuś/komuś), przeszkadzać

you've got a cheek               jesteś bezczelny, masz tupet

ordinary               zwykły

to impress               imponować

to bring up (brought, brought)               wychowywać

private education               prywatne wykształcenie

race horse               koń wyścigowy

to stay               zostawać, pozostawać, przebywać

as a matter of fact               w rzeczy samej, w rzeczywistości, prawdę mówiąc

I'll let you in on a little secret               zdradzę ci mały sekret

to own               posiadać

to race               brać udział w wyścigach, ścigać się

definite winner               pewny zwycięzca

inside information               poufne informacje

I'm putting my week's takings on it               stawiam na to (na tego konia) utarg z całego tygodnia

to bet on sth               zakładać się, obstawiać, stawiać na coś

you're out of your mind               oszalałeś, postradałeś zmysły

bet               zakład

to look after sb               opiekować się kimś, troszczyć się o kogoś

I don't mind in the slightest               wcale mi to nie przeszkadza

to imagine               wyobrażać sobie

creative               twórczy, pomysłowy


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