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GARY              Florida. See what I mean, Vicki? Magic, innit?

VICTORIA              Oh, yeah. If you want to spend your entire holiday being driven from bar to bar by your girlfriend, then I'm sure it is "magic".

GARY              Aren't you enjoying yourself, darling?

VICTORIA              Get off. I'm driving.

GARY              Well, I'm an understanding sort of guy, Vicki. You tell me what you'd like to do.

VICTORIA              I'd like to do something different from time to time. Something that doesn't involve drinking in bars... like... ey, I know, look at that, that sign.

GARY              What, that hamburger place?

VICTORIA              No, no, no. Next to it.

GARY              Fortune teller?

VICTORIA              Yeah, a fortune teller. Let's go to a fortune teller. Esoteric Eva. Sounds good.

GARY              Oh, what? It's a load of old rubbish, Vic.

VICTORIA              It's my idea of fun. I come from a gambling family, Gary. You'll enjoy it.

GARY              I won't.

GARY              Careful, Vicki!

ESO EVA              So. You have my full attention.

VICTORIA              Well, Eva. Firstly, what can you tell us about Gary's career?

GARY              I can tell you all about that myself. By the end of the year, I predict, I'll have made a million dollars and I'll be running for President of the USA. Ha ha ha.

VICTORIA              Oh, shut up.

ESO EVA              Hold my hand, Gary.

GARY              Get out of it.

VICTORIA              Go on. Hold her hand... What do you see? ESO EVA In the middle of your career path, Gary, I see a big black dog.

GARY              Hmph.

ESO EVA              And in the not too distant future... maybe even before the end of the month, this dog will have done you some serious harm.

GARY              What a load of rubbish.

VICTORIA              Shut up, Gary.Tell us about something else, Eva. What about... what about my love life?

ESO EVA              Hmm... I see a dark hairy figure

GARY              Ha ha ha! I know what that is. It'll be that dog again! I predict that by the end of next week, Victoria will be having a passionate love affair with a big black dog.

VICTORIA              Well, it would be an improvement on the present situation.

ESO EVA              Listen, I am sorry, but I cannot work under these conditions.

VICTORIA              Now, look what you've done, you idiot.

GARY              It's a load of old rubbish, Vicki, I told you it was. Ere, Esoteric whatever your name is, I've got a prediction for you. You won't be getting any money out of me for that load of rubbish that you've just made up.

VICTORIA              Oh, ignore him, Eva. I'll pay you myself.

NEVILLE              We've been doing very well. We opened this last year - selling ladies and gents shoes.

Sue              Great.

NEVILLE              And by the year 2000, I hope I'll have opened another two stores.

Sue              Really.

NEVILLE              Yes. Well, as I say, it's looking very good and we hope to have another two.

Sue              Great, here's to it.

NEVILLE              Thank you.


innit               (kol) isn't it

to drive (drove, driven)               prowadzić samochód

entire               cały, całkowity

to enjoy oneself               dobrze się bawić, mile spędzać czas

get off               tu: odczep się

I'm an understanding sort of guy               wyrozumiały ze mnie facet

to involve               wymagać, pociągać za sobą, dotyczyć

sign               napis, szyld, znak

fortune teller               wróżka

it's a lot of old rubbish               to czysta bzdura, zwykłe głupoty

it's my idea of fun               mnie to bawi, według mnie to dobra rozrywka

to gamble               uprawiać hazard

attention               uwaga, skupienie

career               kariera

to predict               przepowiadać

to run for president               kandydować w wyborach prezydenckich

shut up               zamknij się

to hold (held, held)               trzymać

get out of it               wypchaj się, odczep się, jeszcze czego

go on               (słowa zachęty/ponaglenia) zrób to, kontynuuj, itd.

path               droga, ścieżka

distant               odległy

future               przyszłość

to do harm               krzywdzić, wyrządzać szkodę

love life               życie miłosne

hairy               owłosiony, włochaty

passionate               żarliwy, namiętny

to have a passionate love affair with sb               mieć z kimś wielki romans

improvement               poprawa, postęp

whatever               cokolwiek, jakikolwiek

prediction               przepowiednia

to make up               tu: zmyślać, wymyślać

to ignore               ignorować

we've been doing very well               tu: interes świetnie idzie

ladies and gents shoes               obuwie damskie i męskie

store               duży sklep

here's to it               tu: wznieśmy za to toast


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